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LWN.net is a subscriber-supported publication; we rely on subscribers |
By Jonathan Corbet
November 1, 2023
LWN.net is looking to hire a full-time writer/editor to help us keep the
news flowing and to expand our content in areas of interest to our readers.
We are certain that the person we need is out there somewhere, and are
counting on help from LWN readers to find them. Read on for details on who
we are looking for and how we see them fitting in here.
LWN has always set an ambitious goal for itself: making what is happening
in the Linux and free-software-development communities clear and
understandable to those who are a part of it in any way — or who would like
to be. It is a far bigger job than even a larger LWN could do, but we do
the best that we can. To do better, we need more people with the energy
and desire to pick up part of the load. Fortunately, we are in a position
where we can bring in such a person full time.
The ideal LWN writer is immersed in the free-s