Julia is now available as a language in runtimes!
In addition to providing easy access for the world to quickly begin programming in the awesome Julia language, since the first part of the Jupyter name itself is from the Julia language as the original triad of core supported languages (Julia (ju), Python (pyt) and R (r)), this is a bit of an homage to Jupyter itself, and completes this triad of supported languages available in Colab.
We’ve chosen to distribute the 1.10 LTS version of Julia for longer-term stability. In addition to the required IJulia
kernel package, we’ve pre-installed a few of the most common packages for data science, such as CSV
, DataFrames
, Makie
, and Plots
, and we’re evaluating pre-installing CUDA
on our GPU runtimes, but for now we’ve left it off.
If you have any related requests o