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Similar project: https://european-alternatives.eu
If you are advocating for European products, I would expect you to use Plausible or similar products instead of Google Analytics. This would allow you to avoid displaying the cookie banner.
Nice, and this doesn't even include non-EU offerings like Switzerland's Exoscale, Proton, etc.
This is such a shame, we should be looking to source and produce things globally and find better ways to improve the logistics and efficiency world-wide. Why would the EU take such a protective stance which only enforces isolation and increases cost?
Edit: Thanks for the responses, I am still looking for a signal that tells my post is sarcasm multiplied by cynicism.
Great, but please give me a link to the entry so I can go to it
Love it.
For digital products and services there is also European Alternatives: https://european-alternatives.eu/
As part of the European reorientation I avoid products and services from Hungary and Slovakia. I also avoid one specific Swedish company, Spotify, for promoting and funding the misinformation spewing American podcastbros who were partially responsible for the rise of Trump 2.0.
At least what Trump did forced Europeans to grow a spine.
Also see this project for web services alternatives: https://degooglisons-internet.org/en/
Go Scaleway! I always wanted to root for it.
Great to see a directory like this starting to include physical products. I'd be interested in having some extra datapoints to help with decision making:
– How much of the product/company's supply chain is in EU (to get an idea of just how European the product is, is it made here or abroad)
– Some way to show if the company is paying "fair" tax in EU (or are profits shifted abroad)
These are difficult datapoints to get, but I wonder if there can be some sort of "community notes" where this data can be crowd sourced and updated on the directory.
See also https://www.reddit.com/r/BuyFromEU/
Thank you for including the UK, we are still part of Europe!
Added my company (https://mailpace.com) – I’m looking forward to a resurgence of innovation in European tech companies, the talent and education here is amazing, we just need to improve our investment and start treating tech with as much respect as we give to law, finance and other “prestigious” career paths here
I'm always sad that very successful European companies got fully incorporated in the US: datadog, algolia, dataiku, dashlane, etc.
Also it seems to be missing some techs company: pigment, aircall, contentsquare (but not sure if it's a mistake)
While I do find it an interesting exercise to reflect over my own choices of products and services and consider how I could divest myself from relying on ones provided by US companies (and I do agree Europe is too reliant on the US in some regards), it is a bit sad to see how quickly things are spiraling here. People really love to have a clear enemy…
Switzerland and the UK will always be honorary Europeans.
{hug emoji}
In Canada, there's a big push for buying Canadian given the Trump trade war, and especially avoiding products from the US. A kitchen store I went into over the weekend had little red maple leaf stamps on the price tags of Canadian products and the provincial liquor store in Ontario has pulled US products from shelves (though that's more of a marketing stunt by the populist Premier). Many Canadian-owned businesses have added logos at the top of their webpages (I noticed Canada Computers and Memory Express over the last few days, as I was browsing for graphics cards).
Did similar movements had a measurable impact? Asking because I have the impression that boycott movements are ineffective, but I never verified that.
There's also a browser extension: https://codeberg.org/K-Robin/GoEuropean
(btw: codeberg is the European alternative to Github)
Today I learned that DeepL was German. It's hands down the best Japanese to English translator (according to my Japanese coworkers) and I was surprised how many used it in office. (never used it myself as a trilingual)
Toting Adidas, Puma, Jack & Jones, Decathlon etc. as "European-meade" is laughable when everyone knows their clothes are actually manufactured in third-world low-labor-protection countries.
Heck, I can make a safe bet that the vast majority of the companies listed here sell items at least partially made outside of Europe.
I think the most critical missing piece is GPUs right now. As AI becomes more and more crucial, GPU/AI hardware design and manufacturing will become a matter of sovereignty and unfortunately, can't find any EU alternative
– "We are a group of individuals from across Europe who connected via the subreddit r/BuyfromEU."
Then, why do you promote a list of European Reddit "alternatives" such as "Lemmy", you say people are supposed to use instead?
This is the laziest form of internet activism there is: lecture people what you believe they're supposed to be doing in ways you don't yourself do, and can't be inconvenienced to try.
(Bonus points for building this boycott website on top of Amazon Cloudfront, Cloudflare, and Google Analytics).
there's absolutely no European alternative to Amazon. Thanks for clearing that up.
No top level domain alternatives? Org, com, net, gov, mil are US TLDs.
Is there any European alternative for Hacker News? And if yes, what's its URL/web address?
Preferable in French or Italian, or maybe even German, which I wanted to learn for a long time and this would be a good enough motivation, because, and with all due respect to the Irish, having a continent-wide conversation in a language natively spoken by only ~5 million of its own people is not very conductive to the forming of an European spirit.
(Rant sorry)
While i'm from EU and I support the movement, after I looked over some numbers it is hard to ditch something like Amazon. 1st thing for me are the prices and monthly I can save at least 100 Euros just from shopping on deals. Second Amazon employs 150k people across EU and this is not a low number (how about them?).
Yes we need alternatives but the rich EU guys also have to invest some. Sometimes I feel that average Joe needs to support the "movement" while rich just mid their own business.
Same goes also with local producers: "support local farmers!". ME: "but the price difference is almost double form Kaufland/Lidl/Carrefour/etc for the same thing!"
Sorry, I'm not in a position to just spend more just because…
Economic nationalism is bad when Trump does it and bad when Europe does it too.
We should have unilateral free trade. Ricardo showed this was better over 200 years ago.
Breakups are painful. A great battle is afoot on the "data
sovereignty" ground, for sure.
It's over a year since I spoke at Cloud Native Media [0] on the urgent
need to extricate sensitive processes and data from US American
At the time there were a few angry reactions – mainly from people
accepting the risks for the first time and acknowledging how deeply
enmeshed/dependent their operations are. Most of the assembled
creators, CEOs, journalists, fully understood and were enthusiastic
about relocating away from US BigTech.
It's March 2025 and the US has gone full-fascism. AFAICS, all of US
BigTech (bar some tepid resistance from Apple) has fully aligned
with an agenda that is unconscionable to liberal democracy.
Yet we still have problems like UK government departments that are
running on Microsoft Teams or casually using Google docs in ways that
seem wholly inappropriate to security and safety of data and users.
Where I'm working on sensitive projects I find myself repeatedly
having to point out that we urgently need independent end-to-end
encrypted video chat and collaboration tools.
For email I've started removing some @gmail recipients in CC
where they are not strictly NTK.
[0] https://cybershow.uk/blog/posts/cloud-native-talk/
I'm looking for a European alternative to Visa/Mastercard that works across countries, not just in one country. I know there's this https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/European_Payments_Initiative but I believe it's not operational atm.
Missing olimex.com, a Bulgarian manufacturer and seller of SBC and microcontroller boards, including industrial grade LTS ones.
Not a shill, just a happy customer.
I think this is useful more than just actual Europeans.
I'm an American, and my wife and I have been looking at "Made in…" labels on our products for decades. Not as a geopolitical protest; just as routine intellectual curiosity.
Over the last five years or so, we've noticed a significant shift in the locations listed on the things we buy. A lot of what we buy used to read "Made in China" (and before that shift, "Made in Mexico") but these days more and more of it is from Europe.
Sometimes it's the vague "Made in the EU," which I assume means Turkey or Romania or some other less-fashionable quarter. But increasingly, it's France and Switzerland, and the U.K.
(My personal, completely unscientific guess is that the next shift in manufacturing will be to Africa. Lots of cheap labor close to raw materials and access to both hemispheres by sea.)
A similar product is Boycat – https://boycat.io. AFAIK they are adding a campaign focused on the US since the US started adding tarifs everywhere. Would love to see them adding something for the EU side of things.
Please add mlbile apps that scan product barcodes and display the origin country. I think EAN-13 barcodes make this easy already
The problem with buying European is that shipping between countries is nightmarishly expensive.
If Brussels wants to try something useful – instead of bottle caps create a proper shipping network that can ship from Malaga to Vilinus in 2 days for 0.5 euro per KG. It is not that we don't have national postal companies. It is absurd to buy something for 15 euro in italy and pay 30 euro shipping to romania.
great to see list include software products as well
Personally I find myself reevaluating the choices I made for my personal data at the beginning of the cloud era.
Back then, one of the arguments I convinced myself with was that the cloud behemoths had so much to lose on integrity breach that it would just not happen.
It didn’t even occur to me at the time that my data being held hostage in some geopolitical gameplay should be part of the risk assessment.
I'm seriously considering self-hosting as an alternative, in combination with regional cloud services.
Maybe we have an Internet renaissance on our hands, taking it back to its decentralized nature?
Unfortunately, data on Cypriot companies is quite limited.
There are far more products built on the island than what is officially listed.
Speaking as a founder of a CY-based company, SpatialChat
It’s genuinely sad to see the world splintering into waves of nationalistic protectionism.
Not long ago, we had something promising, a slow but steady crawl toward a united global community. Progress was gradual, sure, but it was real. Countries could specialize and trade freely: I’d buy your chips, you’d buy my steel, and we’d both come out ahead. It worked.
Now, though, it’s all about "national sovereignty" and "independence" as if going it alone could ever match the strength of interdependence.
The trust we built feels shattered and TBH it’s hard to imagine it being rebuilt anytime soon, if ever.
Yeah this isn't what people make it out to be.
I already pointed it out in another thread about this exact website: Go and search for "keyboard", what's the first search result? Logitech, a company that makes their products almost exclusively in china. There's nothing european about this.
"Yeah but it's a european company so!" yeah i don't care. It's not an european product. It's a chinese product. I don't care if the CEO lives in europe or it has a German flag on the cover or whatever – if the product is made in china, it's not an european product.
Also this is like the 5th time i see this here, which makes me wonder if this is some sort of organic-looking promotional campaign.