Today, we’re excited to announce the release of the public beta of the official GitHub Actions VS Code extension. The extension provides support for authoring and editing workflows and helps you manage workflow runs without leaving your IDE.

The extension was originally started as a community project to monitor workflow runs. While it gained linting and code completion features over the years, this release now uses the official GitHub Actions schema so you can take advantage of the latest and most up-to-date features. We’re also happy to announce that, as part of this release, we are transitioning the community extension to an officially supported part of the GitHub Actions product family that will be maintained by GitHub.

Managing workflows and monitoring workflow runs

With the extension, you can manage your workflows without leaving your editor. You can easily monitor runs for workflows in your repository, cancel and re-run them, or trigger new ones for manually triggered workflows. To investigate failures, you can drill down from runs to jobs to steps and even view logs without leaving VS Code.

A common scenario is CI workflows that run for every pushed branch: you edit your code and then push it to GitHub to run unit and integration tests. The Current Branch view shows you the results of all workflows for the currently checked out branch in VS Code at a glance.

In addition to managing workflows and runs, you can also list available secrets and variables at all supported levels: organization, repository, and environment. With the right permissions, you can also add and modify repository and environment secrets and variables.

Workflow authoring

Most of the improvements to the existing extension have been made for authori