from the join-us-now dept.
In 30 minutes the Free Software Foundation holds a live auction of memorabilia to celebrate their upcoming 40th anniversary. “By moving out of the FSF office, we got to sort through all the fun and historically important memorabilia and selected the best ones,” they announced earlier — and 25 items will up for bids. (To participate in the live auction, you must register in advance.)
“This is your chance to get your very own personal souvenir of the FSF,” explains an 11-page auction booklet, “from original GNU art to a famous katana and the Internet Hall of Fame medal of the FSF’s founder.”
That’s right… a katana.
Once upon a time, this 41-inch blade turned heads at the FSF’s tech team office. Donated by FSF friends and fans of the XKCD webcomic #225, it became a l