Dear Free Pascal Community,
The Free Pascal Developer team is pleased to finally announce the addition of a long awaited feature, though to be precise it’s two different, but very much related features: Function References and Anonymous Functions. These two features can be used independantly of each other, but their greatest power they unfold when used together.
These features are based on the work by, so thank you very much and I hope you’re doing well considering the current situation.
In the following we’ll highlight both features separately and then we’ll take a look at using them together.
Function References
Function References (also applicable names are Procedure References and Routine References, in the following only Function References will be used) are types that can take a function (or procedure or routine), method, function variable (or procedure variable or routine variable), method variable, nested function (or nested procedure or nested routine) or an anonymous function (or anonymous procedure or anonymous routine) as a value. The function reference can then be used to call the provided function just like other similar routine pointer types. In contrast to these other types nearly all function-like constructs can be assigned to it (the only exception are nested function variables (or nested procedure variables or nested routine variables), more about that later on) and then used or stored.
Function references are enabled with the modeswitch
(the following examples will assume that this modeswitch is provided).
A function reference is declared as follows:
REFERENCE TO FUNCTION|PROCEDURE [(argumentlist)][: resulttype;] [directives;]
TProcLongInt = reference to procedure(aArg: LongInt); stdcall;
TFuncTObject = reference to function(aArg: TObject): TObject;
Like other function pointer types function references can also be declared as generic:
generic TGenericProc
= reference to procedure(aArg: T);
As you can see, once function references are enabled you can’t use the identifier “
” as part of an alias declaration without using “
someref = reference; // will fail
someref = &reference; // correct fix
somevar: reference; // will fail
somevar: &reference; // correct fix
A function reference variable can then be called like any other function pointer type:
p: TProcLongInt;
p := @SomeLongIntProc;
If a function reference has no parameters then you need to use “
” nevertheless in the FPC/ObjFPC modes like for other function pointer types:
TProc = reference to procedure;
p: TProc;
p := @SomeProcedure;
p(); // required
p; // this can be used e.g. in mode Delphi
Like other function pointer types they can also be declared anonymously as part of a variable, field declaration (but not as part of a paramater declaration):
f: reference to function: LongInt;
TTest = class
f: reference to procedure;
They get their great power from a point that is for once not considered an implementation detail: function references are in fact internally declared as reference counted interfaces with a single Invoke() method of the provided signature. So the above examples are in fact declared like this:
TProcLongInt = interface(IInterface)
procedure Invoke(aArg: LongInt); stdcall; overload;
TFuncTObject = interface(IInterface)
procedure Invoke(aArg: TObject): TObject; overload;
generic TGenericProc
= interface(IInterface) -
procedure Invoke(aArg: T); overload;
This has a few implications:
- in the RTTI this will appear like a normal interface
- it reacts to the $M directive like a normal interface
- it is a managed type
- it has no valid GUID
- it can be implemented by a class
- it can be inherited from
Especially the last two points are important.
That the interface can be implemented means that much more functionality and state can be added to a function reference:
TFunc = reference to function: LongInt;
TSomeImpl = class(TInterfacedObject, TFunc)
f: LongInt;
function Invoke: LongInt;
function TSomeImpl.Invoke: LongInt;
Result := f;
t: TSomeImpl;
f: TFunc;
t := TSomeImpl.Create;
f := t;
Writeln(f()); // will write 0
t.f := 42;
Writeln(f()); // will write 42
f := Nil; // the usual warnings about mixing classes and interface apply!
As function references don’t have valid GUIDs you can’t however use
or the as-operator to retrieve it. Using the low level interface related functions of
however will work.
An interface that inherits from a function reference is still considered invokable by the compiler, so it can still be used like an ordinary function reference could, but you can also add additional methods including overloads for Invoke itself:
TTest = reference to procedure(aArg: TObject);
TTestEx = interface(TTest)
function Invoke: TObject; overload;
f: TTestEx;
o: TObject;
f := TSomeImplEx.Create;
o := f();
This is for example described by Stefan Glienke on his blog. His linked example won’t work as-is however due to missing functionality in
As mentioned initially you can assign a nested function to a function reference, but not a nested function variable. There is no real technical reason for this, but it’s instead a design choice based on how function references are assumed to behave: they are assumed to be valid beyond their scope (this will become clearer when combined with anonymous functions in the third part), so they can for example be returned from a function or stored in some class instance and can still be considered valid. However a nested function variable is no longer useable once the function frame it was retrieved has been left (for a nested function the compiler can safely convert it in a way that this is no problem, but for a nested function variable it simply can’t).
One could argue that the same is true for method pointers and method variables as they aren’t callable anymore once their class instance is freed however these are much more common in the Object Pascal world while nested function variables are very seldom used, thus the dangers of the former are much more apparent than the dangers of the later.
For this reason assigning nested function variables to function references is prohibited.
Anonymous Functions
Anonymous Functions (or Anonymous Procedures or Anonymous Routines, in the following simply Anonymous Functions) are routines that have no name associated with them and are declared in the middle of a code block (for example on the right side of an expression or as a parameter for a function call). However they can just as well be called directly like a nested function (or nested procedure or nested routine) would.
Anonymous functions are enabled with the modeswitch
(the following examples will assume that this