- May 11, 2022, Google I/O Edition: Flutter 3 release
- Feb 3, 2022, Windows Support: 2.10 release
- December 8, 2021: 2.8 release
- September 8, 2021: 2.5 release
- May 18, 2021, Google I/O Edition: 2.2 release
- March 3, 2021, Flutter Engage Edition: 2.0 release
- Oct 1, 2020: 1.22 release
- Aug 5, 2020: 1.20 release
- May 6, 2020, Work-From-Home Edition: 1.17 release
- Dec 11, 2019, Flutter Interact Edition: 1.12 release
- Sept 10, 2019: 1.9 release
- July 9, 2019: 1.7 release
- May 7, 2019, Google I/O Edition: 1.5 release
- February 26, 2019: 1.2 release
- November 5, 2018: new website
This page contains current and previous announcements of
what’s new on the Flutter website and blog.
For details about what’s new in the Flutter releases
see the release notes page.
To stay on top of Flutter announcements,
including breaking changes,
join the flutter-announce Google group.
For Dart, you can join the Dart Announce Google group,
and review the Dart changelog.
May 11, 2022, Google I/O Edition: Flutter 3 release
Flutter 3 is live!!! For more information, see
Introducing Flutter 3, What’s new in Flutter 3,
and Dart 2.17: Productivity and integration
(free articles on Medium),
and the Flutter 3 release notes.
Docs updated or added since the 2.10 release
- We have launched the Casual Games Toolkit
to help you build games with Flutter.
Learn more on the Games page and the
Games doc page. - Are you struggling to level up as a Flutter
developer? We have created the Happy paths
project to help. Learn more on the
Happy paths page. - Are you a web developer who would like more
control over your app’s launch process?
Check out the new page,
Customizing web app initialization,
which has been added to the newly updated
and collected web docs under
. - Flutter 3 supports the Apple Silicon Mac (aka M1).
We’ve updated the macOS install page
to offer an Apple Silicon download button. - In Flutter 3, the macOS and Linux platforms
have reached stable, in addition to Windows.
You can now develop your app to run on any
or all of these platforms. As a result,
the Desktop (and related) pages are updated. - The Performance best practices page has
largely been rewritten and moved to be more visible.
The changes include additional advice on avoiding jank,
including how to minimize layout passes caused
by intrinsics, and techniques to minimize
calls tosaveLayer()
. - Firebase’s Flutter docs have been overhauled.
Check out the newly updated
Flutter Firebase get started guide. - The dart.dev site has its own what’s new
page, but one new page of note is the guide,
Learning Dart as a JavaScript developer.
Stay tuned for similar articles on Swift and C#.
Codelabs and workshops
We have a new codelab since the last stable release:
Take your Flutter app from boring to beautiful
Learn how to use features in Material 3 to make your
more beautiful and more responsive.
Also, check out the workshops written by our GDEs
and available on the Flutter community blog.
Feb 3, 2022, Windows Support: 2.10 release
Desktop support for Microsoft Windows
(a central feature of the 2.10 release) is live!
For more information, see
Announcing Flutter for Windows
and What’s new in Flutter 2.10,
free articles on Medium.
December 8, 2021: 2.8 release
Flutter 2.8 is live! For details, see
Announcing Flutter 2.8 and
What’s new in Flutter 2.8.
September 8, 2021: 2.5 release
Flutter 2.5 is live! For details, see
What’s new in Flutter 2.5.
We’ve made significant changes to flutter/website
repo to make it easier to use and maintain.
If you contribute to this repo, see the README file
for more information.
Docs updated or added since the 2.2 release
- A new page on Using Actions and Shortcuts.
We’ve published the following articles on the Flutter Medium
publication since the last stable release:
- Raster thread performance optimization tips
- Writing a good code sample
- GSoC’21: Creating a desktop sample for Flutter
- Flutter Hot Reload
- What can we do to better improve Flutter?
- Adding Flutter to your existing iOS and Android codebases
- Google I/O Spotlight: Flutter in action at ByteDance
- Improving Platform Channel Performance in Flutter
May 18, 2021, Google I/O Edition: 2.2 release
Flutter 2.2 is live! For details, see
Announcing Flutter 2.2 and
What’s New in Flutter 2.2.
We continue migrating code on the website to use
null safety, but that work is not yet completed.
Docs updated or added since the 2.0 release
- A new page on Building adaptive apps.
- A new page describing how to use Google APIs
with Flutter. - A new landing page for Embedded Support for Flutter.
- A new page on setting up and using Deferred components
on Android. - Significant updates to the DevTools Memory view page.
- The desktop page is updated to reflect the progress
on desktop support, particularly the new support for
Windows UWP.
New codelabs since the last stable release:
- Adding in-app purchases to your Flutter app
- Build Voice Bots for Android with Dialogflow Essentials & Flutter
- Get to know Firebase for Flutter
For Google I/O 2021, we have added a new
Flutter/Dart learning tool that
is based on DartPad: Workshops!
These workshops are designed to be instructor led.
The instructor-led videos are available on the
Flutter and Firebase YouTube channels:
- Building your first Flutter app
- Firebase for Flutter
- Flutter and Dialogflow voice bots
- Inherited widgets
- Null safety
- Slivers
To see the event list of “all things Flutter” at I/O,
see the Google 2021 I/O Flutter page.
You can author your own DartPad workshops!
If you are interested, check out the following resources:
- DartPad Workshop Authoring Guide
- DartPad Sharing Guide (using a Gist file)
- Embedding DartPad in your web page
We’ve published the following articles on the Flutter Medium
publication since the last stable release:
- How It’s Made: I/O Photo Booth
- Which factors affected users’ decisions to adopt Flutter? – Q1 2021 user survey results
March 3, 2021, Flutter Engage Edition: 2.0 release
Flutter 2 is live!!! For more information, see
Announcing Flutter 2, What’s new in Flutter 2,
Flutter web support hits the stable milestone,
Announcing Dart 2.12,
and the Flutter 2 release notes.
Docs updated or added since the 1.22 release
- A new Who is Dash? page!
- Information about monetizing your apps has been
collected in the new Flutter Ads landing page. - Added a new page explaining the Flutter Fix
feature and how to use it. - New and updated web pages, including:
- The Desktop support for Flutter page is updated,
as well as other pages on the site that discuss
desktop support. - The DevTools docs have been updated. The
most significant updates are to the following page: - Added a page on how to implement deep linking
for mobile and web. - Updated the Creating responsive and adaptive apps
page. - Many pages (including all codelabs on flutter.dev)
and examples are updated to be null safe. - Added two new add to app pages:
- Added a page on how to write integration tests using
the integration_test package. - Significant updates to the internationalization page.
- New and updated performance pages, including:
Many of our codelabs have been updated to null safety.
We’ve also added a new codelab since the last stable release:
For a complete list, see Flutter codelabs.
We’ve published the following articles on the Flutter Medium
publication since the last stable release:
- Flutter performance updates in the first half of 2020
- Are you happy with Flutter? – Q4 2020 user survey results
- Join us for #30DaysOfFlutter
- Providing operating system compatibility on a large scale
- Updates on Flutter Testing
- Announcing Dart null safety beta
- Deprecation Lifetime in Flutter
- New ad formats for Flutter
- Accessible expression with Material Icons and Flutter
- Dart sound null safety: technical preview 2
- Flutter on the web, slivers, and platform-specific issues: user survey results from Q3 2020
- Testable Flutter and Cloud Firestore
- Performance testing on the web
Oct 1, 2020: 1.22 release
Flutter 1.22 is live! For details, see
Announcing Flutter 1.22.
Docs updated or added to flutter.dev since the 1.20 release
- Updated the Developing for iOS 14 page with
details about targeting iOS 14 with Flutter, including some
Add-to-App, deep linking, and notification considerations. - Added a page on how to add an iOS App Clip,
a new iOS 14 feature that supports running lightweight,
no-install apps under 10 MB. - Added a page that describes how to migrate your app to use the
new icon glyphs available in
. - Added a page that describes the new implementation for
Platform Views and how to use them to host native Android
and iOS views in your Flutter app.
This feature has enabled the google_maps_flutter
and webview_flutter plugins to be
updated to production-ready release 1.0. - Added a page that describes how to use the new
App Size tool in Dart DevTools.
We’ve added a new codelab since the last stable release:
Building Beautiful Transitions with Material Motion
for Flutter
Learn how to use the Material animations package to
add prebuilt transitions to a Material app called Reply.
For a complete list, see Flutter codelabs.
We’ve published the following articles on the Flutter Medium
publication since the last stable release:
- Learning Flutter’s new navigation and routing
- Integration testing with flutter_driver
- Announcing Flutter Windows Alpha
- Handling web gestures in Flutter
- Supporting iOS 14 and Xcode 12 with Flutter
- Learn testing with the new Flutter sample
- Platform channel examples
- Updates on Flutter and Firebase
Aug 5, 2020: 1.20 release
Flutter 1.20 is live! For details,
see Announcing Flutter 1.20.
Docs updated or added to flutter.dev
Flutter architectural overview, a deep dive into Flutter’s
architecture, was added to the site just a few days after the
1.20 release. -
Reducing shader compilation jank on mobile is added to the
performance docs. -
Developing for iOS 14 beta outlines some issues you might
run into if developing for devices running iOS 14 beta. - New instructions for installing Flutter on Linux using
snapd. - Updated the Desktop support page to reflect that Linux
desktop apps (as well as macOS) are available as alpha. - Several new Flutter books have been published. The
Flutter books page is updated. - The codelabs landing page has been updated.
A deep dive into null safety has been added to dart.dev:
Flutter Day was held on 6/25/2020.
In preparation for the event,
we wrote new codelabs and updated existing codelabs.
New codelabs include:
- Adding Admob Ads to a Flutter app
- How to write a Flutter plugin
- Multi-platform Firestore Flutter
- Using a plugin with a Flutter web app
- Write a Flutter desktop application
For a complete list, see Flutter codelabs.
We’ve published the following articles on the Flutter Medium
publication since the last stable release:
- Announcing Adobe XD support for Flutter
- What are the important & difficult tasks for Flutter
devs? – Q1 2020 survey results - Optimizing performance in Flutter web apps with tree
shaking and deferred loading - Flutter Package Ecosystem Update
- Improving perceived performance with image placeholders,
precaching, and disabled navigation transitions - Two Months of #FlutterGoodNewsWednesday
- Handling 404: Page not found error in Flutter
- Flutter and Desktop apps
- What’s new with the Slider widget?
- New tools for Flutter developers, built in Flutter
- Canonical enables Linux desktop app support with
Flutter - Enums with Extensions in Dart
- Managing issues in a large-scale open source project
- What we learned from the Flutter Q2 2020 survey
- Building performant Flutter widgets
- How to debug layout issues with the Flutter Inspector
- Going deeper with Flutter’s web support
- Flutter Performance Updates in 2019