— postmodern
You may have recently read a news story about how a typo in a US military
email address (
) accidentally
caused sensitive military secrets to be sent to a similar Mali email address
for years; Mali is apparently a Russian ally.
What if I told you, you could use Ronin to find all of the one-character-missing
valid typos for all of the TLDs? The ronin-support library comes with a
Ronin::Support::Network::TLD module which can automatically download and parse
ICANN’s TLD list. Using the TLD list we can generate typos for each TLD and
filter out the invalid typoed TLDs.
require 'ronin/support/network/tld'
def omit_each_char(tld)
return enum_for(__method__,tld) unless block_given?
tld.length.times do |i|
new_tld = tld.dup
new_tld[i] = ''
yield new_tld
tlds = Ronin::Support::Network::TLD.list
typoed_tlds = tlds.to_h do |tld|
[tld, omit_each_char(tld).select { |typoed_tld|
typoed_tlds.each do |tld,valid_typos|
unless valid_typos.empty?
puts "#{tld} -> #{valid_typos.join(', ')}"
This gives us the following output:
aco -> co, ao, ac
ads -> as, ad
aeg -> eg, ag, ae
afl -> al, af
aig -> ag, ai
anz -> nz, az
aol -> al, ao
art -> at, ar
arte -> art
audio -> audi
autos -> auto
aws -> ws, as, aw
axa -> ax
bar -> ar, br, ba
bbc -> bb
bbt -> bt, bt, bb
bcg -> cg, bg
bcn -> cn, bn
best -> bet
bet -> et, bt, be
bid -> id, bd, bi
bing -> ing
bingo -> bing
bio -> io, bo, bi
biz -> bz, bi
bms -> ms, bs, bm
bmw -> mw, bw, bm
bom -> om, bm, bo
boo -> bo, bo
book -> boo
bot -> bt, bo
box -> bo
buy -> uy, by
bzh -> bh, bz
cab -> ca
cal -> al, cl, ca
call -> cal, cal
cam -> am, cm, ca
camp -> cam
car -> ar, cr, ca
cards -> cars
care -> car
careers -> career
cars -> crs, car
cat -> at, ca
cba -> ba, ca
cbn -> bn, cn
cbs -> bs
ceo -> co
cfa -> ca, cf
cfd -> cd, cf
channel -> chanel, chanel
chase -> case
chat -> cat
citic -> citi
com -> om, cm, co
coupons -> coupon
cpa -> pa, ca
crs -> rs, cr
cruises -> cruise
cyou -> you
dad -> ad
deals -> deal
dev -> de
dnp -> np
dog -> do
dot -> do
dtv -> tv
eat -> at, et
eco -> co, ec
edu -> eu
esq -> es
eus -> us, es, eu
fans -> fan
fit -> it, fi
fly -> ly
foo -> fo, fo
food -> foo
fox -> fo
frl -> fr
ftr -> tr, fr
fund -> fun
fyi -> fi
gal -> al, gl, ga
games -> game
gap -> gp, ga
gay -> gy, ga
gbiz -> biz
gdn -> gn, gd
gea -> ga, ge
gifts -> gift
gle -> ge, gl
gmo -> mo, gm
gmx -> mx, gm
goog -> goo
gop -> gp
got -> gt
hbo -> bo
hkt -> ht, hk
host -> hot
hot -> ht
ibm -> bm, im
ice -> ie
icu -> cu
ifm -> fm, im
inc -> nc, in
ing -> ng, in
ink -> in
int -> it, in
ist -> st, it, is
itv -> tv, it
jio -> io, jo
jmp -> mp, jp, jm
jot -> jo
joy -> jo
kfh -> kh
kia -> ki
kim -> im, km, ki
kpn -> pn, kn, kp
krd -> kr
kred -> red, krd
lat -> at, lt, la
law -> aw, la
lds -> ls
link -> ink
llc -> lc, lc
loans -> loan
lpl -> pl
ltd -> td, lt
ltda -> ltd
man -> mn, ma
map -> mp, ma
markets -> market
mba -> ba, ma
med -> md, me
men -> mn, me
menu -> men
mil -> il, ml
mint -> int, mit
mit -> it, mt
mlb -> lb, ml
mls -> ls, ms, ml
mma -> ma, ma, mm
mobi -> obi, moi
moe -> me, mo
moi -> mo
mom -> om, mm, mo
mov -> mv, mo
msd -> sd, md, ms
mtn -> tn,