Here’s results from two surveys I did, charting tabooness and popularity.
(Who took my survey, and how i constructed the survey, and raw scores here)
The tabooness survey I had people take was waay simpler, just gave people a set of questions in a random order. I asked them to rank each subject of sexual interest according to how taboo they thought society viewed the thing, with prompts like how bad would it be if “a politician’s email leaked where he was into this” or “a friend announces being into thsi on social media” or “you described being into this at a family reunion”.
I counted any interest marked in a fetish, and the numbers are binary here – just straight “what % of people marked any interest”, not adjusted for intensity of interest.
Sample size at the time I made this was around 11k females and 28k males.
Correlation is, and I swear I didn’t make this up, -0.69.
I used a log scale, because linear smashed everything down at the bottom and it was hard to see.
I weighed males and females equal