ESET researchers have uncovered a Lazarus attack against an aerospace company in Spain, where the group deployed several tools, most notably a publicly undocumented backdoor we named LightlessCan. Lazarus operators obtained initial access to the company’s network last year after a successful spearphishing campaign, masquerading as a recruiter for Meta – the company behind Facebook, Instagram, and WhatsApp.
The fake recruiter contacted the victim via LinkedIn Messaging, a feature within the LinkedIn professional social networking platform, and sent two coding challenges required as part of a hiring process, which the victim downloaded and executed on a company device. The first challenge is a very basic project that displays the text “Hello, World!”, the second one prints a Fibonacci sequence – a series of numbers in which each number is the sum of the two preceding ones. ESET Research was able to reconstruct the initial access steps and analyze the toolset used by Lazarus thanks to cooperation with the affected aerospace company.
In this blogpost, we describe the method of infiltration and the tools deployed during this Lazarus attack. We will also present some of our findings about this attack at the Virus Bulletin conference on October 4, 2023.
Key points of the blogpost:
- Employees of the targeted company were contacted by a fake recruiter via LinkedIn and tricked into opening a malicious executable presenting itself as a coding challenge or quiz.
- We identified four different execution chains, delivering three types of payloads via DLL side-loading .
- The most notable payload is the LightlessCan backdoor, implementing techniques to hinder detection by real-time security monitoring software and analysis by cybersecurity professionals; this presents a major shift in comparison with its predecessor BlindingCan, a flagship HTTP(S) Lazarus RAT.
- We attribute this activity with a high level of confidence to Lazarus, particularly to its campaigns related to Operation DreamJob.
- The final goal of the attack was cyberespionage.
Lazarus delivered various payloads to the victims’ systems; the most notable is a publicly undocumented and sophisticated remote access trojan (RAT) that we named LightlessCan, which represents a significant advancement compared to its predecessor, BlindingCan. LightlessCan mimics the functionalities of a wide range of native Windows commands, enabling discreet execution within the RAT itself instead of noisy console executions. This strategic shift enhances stealthiness, making detecting and analyzing the attacker’s activities more challenging.
Another mechanism used to minimize exposure is the employment of execution guardrails; Lazarus made sure the payload can only be decrypted on the intended victim’s machine. Execution guardrails are a set of protective protocols and mechanisms implemented to safeguard the integrity and confidentiality of the payload during its deployment and execution, effectively preventing unauthorized decryption on unintended machines, such as those of security researchers. We describe the implementation of this mechanism in the Execution chain 3: LightlessCan (complex version) section.
Attribution to the Lazarus group
The Lazarus group (also known as HIDDEN COBRA) is a cyberespionage group linked to North Korea that has been active since at least 2009. It is responsible for high-profile incidents such as both the Sony Pictures Entertainment hack and tens-of-millions-of-dollar cyberheists in 2016, the WannaCryptor (aka WannaCry) outbreak in 2017, the 3CX and X_TRADER supply-chain attacks, and a long history of disruptive attacks against South Korean public and critical infrastructure since at least 2011. The diversity, number, and eccentricity in implementation of Lazarus campaigns define this group, as well as that it performs all three pillars of cybercriminal activities: cyberespionage, cybersabotage, and pursuit of financial gain.
Aerospace companies are not an unusual target for North Korea-aligned advanced persistent threat (APT) groups. The country has conducted multiple nuclear tests and launched intercontinental ballistic missiles, which violate United Nations (UN) Security Council resolutions. The UN monitors North Korea’s nuclear activities to prevent further development and proliferation of nuclear weapons or weapons of mass destruction, and publishes biannual reports tracking such activities. According to these reports, North Korea-aligned APT groups attack aerospace companies in attempts to access sensitive technology and aerospace know-how, as intercontinental ballistic missiles spend their midcourse phase in the space outside of Earth’s atmosphere. These reports also claim that money gained from cyberattacks accounts for a portion of North Korea’s missile development costs.
We attribute the attack in Spain to the Lazarus group, specifically to Operation DreamJob, with a high level of confidence. The name for Operation DreamJob was coined in a blogpost by ClearSky from August 2020, describing a Lazarus campaign targeting defense and aerospace companies, with the objective of cyberespionage. Since then, we have loosely used the term to denote various Lazarus operations leveraging job-offering lures but not deploying tools clearly similar to those involved in its other activities, such as Operation In(ter)ception. For example, the campaign involving tools signed with 2 TOY GUYS certificates (see ESET Threat Report T1 2021, page 11), and the case of Amazon-themed lures in the Netherlands and Belgium published in September 2022.
Our attribution is based on the following factors, which show a relationship mostly with the previously mentioned Amazon-themed campaign:
1. Malware (the intrusion set):
- Initial access was obtained by making contact via LinkedIn and then convincing the target to execute malware, disguised as a test, in order to succeed in a hiring process. This is a known Lazarus tactic, used at least since Operation DreamJob.
- We observed new variants of payloads that were previously identified in the Dutch case from last year, such as intermediate loaders and the BlindingCan backdoor linked with Lazarus.
- Multiple types of strong encryption were leveraged in the tools of this Lazarus campaign – AES-128 and RC6 with a 256-bit key – that were also used in the Amazon-themed campaign.
2. Infrastructure:
- For the first-level C&C servers (listed in the Network section at the end of this blogpost), the attackers do not set up their own servers, but compromise existing ones, usually those having poor security and that host sites with neglected maintenance. This is a typical, yet weak-confidence behavior, of Lazarus.
3. Cui bono:
- Pilfering the know-how of an aerospace company is aligned with long-term goals manifested by Lazarus.
Initial access
The group targeted multiple company employees via LinkedIn Messaging. Masquerading as a Meta recruiter, the attacker used a job offer lure to attract the target’s attention and trust; a screenshot of this conversation, which we obtained during our cooperation with the Spanish aerospace company, is depicted in Figure 1.

At the beginning of Lazarus attacks, the unaware targets are usually convinced to recklessly self-compromise their systems. For this purpose, the attackers employ different strategies; for example, the target is lured to execute an attacker-provided (and trojanized) PDF viewer to see the full content of a job offer. Alternately, the target is encouraged to connect with a trojanized SSL/VPN client, being provided with an IP address and login details. Both scenarios are described in a Microsoft blogpost published in September 2022. The narrative in this case was the scammer’s request to prove the victim’s proficiency in the C++ programming language.
Two malicious executables, Quiz1.exe and Quiz2.exe, were provided for that purpose and delivered via the Quiz1.iso and Quiz2.iso images hosted on a third-party cloud storage platform. Both executables are very simple command line applications asking for input.
The first one is a Hello World project, which is a very basic program, often consisting of just a single line of code, that displays the text “Hello, World!” when executed. The second prints a Fibonacci sequence up to the largest element smaller than the number entered as input. A Fibonacci sequence is a series of numbers in which each number is the sum of the two preceding ones, typically starting with 0 and 1; however, in this malicious challenge, the sequence starts with 1 and 2. Figure 2 displays example output from the Fibonacci sequence challenge. After the output is printed, both executables trigger the malicious action of installing additional payloads from the ISO images onto the target’s system. The task for a targeted developer is to understand the logic of the program and rewrite it in the C++ programming language.

The chain of events that led to the initial compromise is sketched in Figure 3. The first payload delivered to the target’s system is an HTTP(S) downloader that we have named NickelLoader. The tool allows the attackers to deploy any desired program into the memory of the victim’s computer.

Post-compromise toolset
Once NickelLoader is running on the target’s system, the attackers use it to deliver two types of RATs. One of these RATs is already known to be part of the Lazarus toolkit, specifically a variant of the BlindingCan backdoor with limited functionality but identical command processing logic. To distinguish it, we put the prefix mini- in front of the variant’s name. Additionally, the attackers introduced a RAT not previously undocumented publicly, which we have named LightlessCan.
The RATs are deployed as the final step of chains of stages with varying levels of complexity and are preceded by helper executables, like droppers and loaders. We denote an executable as a dropper if it contains an embedded payload, even if it’s not dropped onto the file system but instead loaded directly into memory and executed. Malware that doesn’t have an encrypted embedded data array, but that loads a payload from the file system, we denote as a loader.
Besides the initial quiz-related lures, Table 1 summarizes the executable files (EXEs) and dynamic link libraries (DLLs) delivered to the victim’s system. All the malware samples in the third column are trojanized open-source applications (see the fourth column for the underlying project), with a legitimate executable side-loading a malicious DLL. For example, the malicious mscoree.dll is a trojanized version of the legitimate NppyPluginDll; the DLL contains an embedded NickelLoader and is loaded by a legitimate PresentationHost.exe, both located in the C:ProgramShared directory.
Table 1. Summary of binaries involved in the attack
Location directory |
Legitimate parent process |
Malicious side-loaded DLL |
Trojanized project |
C:ProgramShared |
PresentationHost.exe |
mscoree.dll |
NppyPluginDll |
C:ProgramDataAdobe |
colorcpl.exe |
colorui.dll |
LibreSSL 2.6.5 |
C:ProgramDataOracleJava |
fixmapi.exe |
mapistub.dll |
Lua plugin for Notepad++ |
C:ProgramDataAdobeARM |
tabcal.exe |
HID.dll |
MZC8051 for Notepad++ 3.2 |
LightlessCan – new backdoor
The most interesting payload used in this campaign is LightlessCan, a successor of the group’s flagship HTTP(S) Lazarus RAT named BlindingCan. LightlessCan is a new complex RAT that has support for up to 68 distinct commands, indexed in a custom function table, but in the current version, 1.0, only 43 of those commands are implemented with some functionality. The remaining commands are present but have a formal implementation in the form of placeholders, lacking actual functionality. The project behind the RAT is definitely based on the BlindingCan source code, as the order of the shared commands is preserved significantly, even though there may be differences in their indexing.
The most significant update is mimicked functionality of many native Windows commands like ping, ipconfig, systeminfo, sc, net, etc. The hardcoded string “The operation completed successfully.”, the standard system message for the ERROR_SUCCESS result, brought us to that idea. Table 2 contains a list of those commands that are implemented in LightlessCan. In previously reported Lazarus attacks, as documented in blogposts by Positive Technologies in April 2021 and HvS Consulting in December 2020, these native commands are often executed in many instances after the attackers have gotten a foothold in the target’s system. However, in this case, these commands are executed discreetly within the RAT itself, rather than being executed visibly in the system console. This approach offers a significant advantage in terms of stealthiness, both in evading real-time monitoring solutions like EDRs, and postmortem digital forensic tools. The internal version number (1.0) indicates that this represents a new development effort by the attackers.
As the core utilities of Windows are proprietary and not open-source, the developers of LightlessCan faced a choice: either to reverse engineer the closed-source system binaries or to get inspired by the code available via the Wine project, where many programs are rewritten in order to mimic their execution on other platforms like Linux, macOS, or ChromeOS. We are inclined to believe the developers chose the first option, as the corresponding Wine programs they mimicked in LightlessCan were implemented a little bit differently or not at all (e.g., netsh).
Interestingly, in one of the cases we analyzed, the LightlessCan payload is stored in an encrypted file on the compromised machine, which can only be decrypted using an environment-dependent key. More details about this can be found in the Execution chain 3: LightlessCan (complex version) section. This is to ensure that the payload can only be decrypted on the computer of the intended victim and not, for example, on a device of a security researcher.
Table 2. The list of LightlessCan commands mimicking those for Windows prompt
Index |
Description |
33 |
Mimic the ipconfig command from the Windows command prompt; see Figure 4. |
34 |
Mimic the net command from the Windows prompt; see Figure 5. |
35 |
Mimic the netshadvfirewall firewall command from the Windows prompt; see Figure 4. |
36 |
Mimic the netstat command from the Windows prompt. |
37 |
Mimic the ping -6 command from the Windows prompt. |
38 |
Mimic the reg command from the Windows prompt; see Figure 7. |
39 |
Mimic the sc command from the Windows prompt; see Figure 8. |
40 |
Mimic the ping command from the Windows prompt. |
41 |
Mimic the tasklist command from the Windows prompt. |
42 |
Mimic the wmic process call create command from the Windows prompt; see Figure 9. |
43 |
Mimic the nslookup command from the Windows Server prompt. |
44 |
Mimic the schstasks command from the Windows prompt; see Figure 10. |
45 |
Mimic the systeminfo command from the Windows prompt. |
46 |
Mimic the arp command from the Windows prompt. |
47 |
Mimic the mkdir command from the Windows prompt. |

Furthermore, an examination of the RAT’s internal configuration suggests that, in comparison to BlindingCan, Lazarus increased the code sophistication in LightlessCan.
Technical analysis
In this section, we provide technical details about the compromise chain that delivers the NickelLoader downloader, and the three execution chains Lazarus used to deliver its payloads on the compromised system.
Compromise chain: NickelLoader
NickelLoader is an HTTP(S) downloader executed on the compromised system via DLL side-loading, which is later used to deliver other Lazarus payloads.
The process of delivering NickelLoader unfolds in a series of stages, commencing with the execution of PresentationHost.exe, which is triggered automatically after the target manually executes the initial quiz challenges; the Quiz1 case is depicted in Figure 3. A malicious dynamically linked library, mscoree.dll, is then side-loaded by the legitimate PresentationHost.exe – both located in C:ProgramShared. This DLL is a trojanized NppyPluginDll.dll, from the inactive General Python Plugins DLL for Notepad++ project from 2011. It serves as a dropper and has various exports: all the exports copied from the original NppyPluginDll.dll plus all the exports from the legitimate mscoree.dll. One of these legitimate exports, CorExitProcess, contains the malicious code responsible for the decryption and execution of the next malware stage.
To successfully decrypt an encrypted data array embedded in the dropper, three 16-character-long keywords are required by the dropper. These keywords are as follows:
- the name of the parent process (PresentationHost),
- the internal parameter hardcoded in the binary (9zCnQP6o78753qg8), and
- the external parameter passed on the command line (‑embeddingObject), which is inherited from the parent process of PresentationHost.exe, being provided by Quiz1.exe or Quiz2.exe.
The keywords are XOR-ed byte by byte and the output forms the AES-128 decryption key.
The payload is an HTTP(S) downloader that recognizes four commands, all five letters long, shown in Table 3. Because of those five letter commands, we chose to name this payload “NickelLoader”, drawing inspiration from the colloquial term for the US five-cent coin – a nickel. The most important commands are avdrq and gabnc. When th