My name is Aboubacar Barry, a young self-taught full-stack developer from Mali, now specializing in frontend development. React JS is what I use most in my daily work. It has allowed me to start and understand the JavaScript ecosystem and the web in general.
My journey in programming wasn’t easy, especially for a self-taught developer. Adding to the challenge, I come from Africa and a background where people primarily use computers for watching movies, YouTube, and office work.
Despite all this, I overcame the challenge, creating local solutions that helped me earn some income for my daily expenses and equipment. I don’t work for a company; I’m a free electron developing local solutions for now, learning development deeply, and coding open-source projects.
This versatile code will allow me to launch a project quickly based on its type
without spending time reconfiguring everything or figuring out where to start.
Covers most cases in the development of an application like.
- HTML / CSS => Classic web page
- Framework => For modern applications
- UI LIB / Animations LIB => Enhance the user experience
- Script => Programming language used
- Framework => Facilitate API and server development
- Database => Make the application persistent
- OS => Operating system on which the platform runs
- CLOUD => Deployment and CI/CD
Example of tech stack (Postgresql, Express JS, React JS, Node JS)
You can add your own packages = learn new thing like astro, next js….. !
Tools Used
- Node js => Runtime
- PNPM (workspaces setup) => packages/*
- Packages
- Frontend : React and Vite SPA
- Backend : Express js, Postgresql, sequelize ORM,
- Static : Astro MPA
- prompts
- minimist
- fs / path
- package.json setup
- Rollup
- gulp for task runner and prepare package
- gulp-shell run shell command
- some rollup plugin to bundle it
- DX (Developer Experience)
- eslint
- prettier
- vscode
- vite
- typescript
- pnpm
Installation is simple and fast. Just type and happy coding:
npm create abou-stack@latest myAppName