The Inline XBRL viewer allows a user
to quickly and easily review details of the tagged information in
an Inline document by automatically placing a top and bottom
highlight border around each tagged numeric fact and left and
right border for each block tagged fact. Hovering over a tagged
fact will highlight (shade) all content related to the tagged
fact, and clicking on a tagged fact will reveal its tagging
details in the Fact Review Window. Navigation, search and filter
options are also provided to easily refine and identify specific
types of tagged information.
The Fact Review Window shows the tagging
details for the currently selected fact, which is highlighted
with a solid blue border. There are four categories of fact detail
which can be viewed; an “N/A” value indicates there is no
available information for the item within the given category:
- Attributes – All primary information (as
applicable) describing the tagged fact including period, sign,
decimals, dimensional detail (axes and members), scale, measure
and data type. - Labels – Detailed documentation
(definition) for the tag used, and other labels. - References – Authoritative reference
information (as applicable) for the selected tag. - Calculation – Balance and calculation
hierarchy details (numeric non-dimensioned items only).
There are two ways to search the
document: FACTS AND SECTIONS. To search information, enter a
keyword in a search box and select the magnifying glass icon to
return matching results. Search operators “and” (via “AND” or
“&”) and “or” (via “OR” or “|”) are available to further refine a
The Search Facts box can be used to find
tagged facts matching entered keywords. By default, tag name, tag
labels, and tagged content are included in Search. Tagged facts
matching the search criteria are shown with a yellow-colored
(default) shading on the page and appear in the Facts List.
Select the “X” button to the left of the magnifying glass icon to
clear the search.
The content included in Search can be increased to
included tag definitions, dimensions, and authoritative
references by selecting the cog / wheel icon to the left of the
search box. See Settings for more information.
The Search Sections box can be used to
filter the tagged sections of the financial statements.
Filters change the number of highlighted
facts and items in the fact list by providing several ways to
review and pinpoint certain tagged information. Mu