Bram Stoker’s Dracula is an epistolary novel – it’s made up of letters, diaries, telegrams, newspaper clippings – and every part of it has a date. The whole story happens between May 3 and November 7. So: Dracula Daily will post a newsletter each day that something happens to the characters, in the same timeline that it happens to them.
Now you can read the book via email, in small digestible chunks – as it happens to the characters.
Q. When does it start?
A. The first entry is on May 3. That’s when you’ll get the first email!
Q. When does it end?
A. The last entry is November 7.
Q. You’re going to email the whole book?
A. Yes, in small bits at a time! Some days there’s a lot of activity, some days just a few sentences, and many days nothing at all. You’ll only get an email when there’s action taking place in the book.
Q. It’s free?
A. It’s free.
Q. What if I join after May 3?
A. That’s OK! You’ll still get the daily posts as they happen, and you can check out the archive to catch up. Or grab a copy from your library or local book store to catch up