html, [ruby], blog, security, [code], sysadmin, productivity, sql, css, commandline, functional
When you’ve done everything you can with Ruby On Rails….
When you’ve reached the limits of Haskell on a Horse…
If FubuMVC is not for you…
It’s time to meet the MVC web framework to end all MVC Web frameworks.
DOS on DOPE is the modern MVC framework built on the awesome power of Batch scripts.
All of the controllers in DoD are batch files.
All of the views are batch files.
The model is based on batch files. The helper functions are… you guessed it! Beautiful batch files!
The complete source code and tutorials are available at github
With DosOnDope, it’s this simple:
open a cmd window, and write:
dope site Blog
You just built a website, called ‘blog’. Here it is:
Oops. It moves too fast, I can’t keep up.
Here’s all the folders that have been created for us…
C:tempblog>dir /s/a:d/b C:tempblogContent C:tempblogControllers C:tempblogh C:tempblogModels C:tempblogScripts C:tempblogViews C:tempblogControllersHome C:tempblogViewsShared
And all the files…
C:tempblog>dir /s/a:-d/b C:tempblogDefault.aspx C:tempblogfavicon.ico C:tempblogGlobal.asax C:tempblogweb.config C:tempblogContentSite.css C:tempblogContentli.png C:tempblogContentLogo.png C:tempblogControllers_actionMissing.bat C:tempblogControllers_controllerMissing.bat C:tempblogControllersHomeIndex.bat C:tempblogha.bat C:tempbloghh1.bat