[Update 1/13/2021: I wrote a follow-up with some optimizations. ]

There has been a sudden resurgence of interest in my “donut” code from 2006, and I’ve
had a couple requests to explain this one. It’s been five years now, so it’s
not exactly fresh in my memory, so I will reconstruct it from scratch, in great
detail, and hopefully get approximately the same result.

This is the code:

             k;double sin()
         ,cos();main(){float A=
       0,B=0,i,j,z[1760];char b[
 >i;i+=0.02){float c=sin(i),d=cos(j),e=
 h*e+f*g+5),l=cos      (i),m=cos(B),n=s
in(B),t=c*h*g-f*        e;int x=40+30*D*
(l*h*m-t*n),y=            12+15*D*(l*h*n
+t*m),o=x+80*y,          N=8*((f*e-c*d*g
 )*m-c*d*e-f*g-l        *d*n);if(22>y&&

…and the output, animated in Javascript:

At its core, it’s a framebuffer and a Z-buffer into which I render pixels.
Since it’s just rendering relatively low-resolution ASCII art, I massively
cheat. All it does is plot pixels along the surface of the torus at
fixed-angle increments, and does it densely enough that the final result looks
solid. The “pixels” it plots are ASCII characters corresponding to the
illumination value of the surface at each point: .,-~:;=!*#$@ from dimmest to
brightest. No raytracing required.

So how do we do that? Well, let’s start with the basic math behind 3D
perspective rendering. The following diagram is a side view of a person
sitting in front of a screen, viewing a 3D object behind it.

To render a 3D object onto a 2D screen, we project each point (x,y,z) in
3D-space onto a plane located z’ units away from the viewer, so that the
corresponding 2D position is (x’,y’). Since we’re looking from the side,
we can only see the y and z axes, but the math works the same for the x
axis (just pretend this is a top view instead). This projection is really easy
to obtain: notice that the origin, the y-axis, and point (x,y,z) form a
right triangle, and a similar right triangle is formed with (x’,y’,z’).
Thus the relative proportions are maintained:

frac{y’}{z’} &= frac{y}{z} \
y’ &= frac{y z’}{z}.

So to project a 3D coordinate to 2D, we scale a coordinate by the screen
distance z’. Since z’ is a fixed constant, and not functionally a
coordinate, let’s rename it to K1, so our projection equation
becomes ((x’,y’) = (frac{K_1 x}{z}, frac{K_1 y}{z})). We can choose
K1 arbitrarily based on the field of view we want to show in our
2D window. For example, if we have a 100×100 window of pixels, then the view
is centered at (50,50); and if we want to see an object which is 10 units wide
in our 3D space, set back 5 units from the viewer, then K1 should
be chosen so that the projection of the point x=10, z=5 is still on the
screen with x’ < 50: 10K1/5 < 50, or K1 < 25.

When we’re plotting a bunch of points, we might end up plotting different
points at the same (x’,y’) location but at different depths, so we maintain
a z-buffer which stores
the z coordinate of everything we draw. If we need to plot a location, we
first check to see whether we’re plotting in front of what’s there already. It
also helps to compute z-1 (= frac{1}{z}) and use that when depth
buffering because:

  • z-1 = 0 corresponds to infinite depth, so we can pre-initialize
    our z-buffer to 0 and have the background be infinitely far away
  • we can re-use z-1 when computing x’ and y’:
    Dividing once and multiplying by z-1 twice is cheaper than
    dividing by z twice.

Now, how do we draw a donut, AKA torus? Well, a torus is a solid of
, so one way to do it is to draw a 2D circle around some point in
3D space, and then rotate it around the central axis of the torus. Here is a
cross-section through the center of a torus:

So we have a circle of radius R1 centered at point
(R2,0,0), drawn on the xy-plane. We can draw this by sweeping
an angle — let’s call it θ — from 0 to 2π:

(x,y,z) = (R_2,0,0) + (R_1 cos theta, R_1 sin theta, 0)

Now we take that circle and rotate it around the y-axis by another angle
— let’s call it φ. To rotate an arbitrary 3D point around one of the
cardinal axes, the standard technique is to multiply by a rotation matrix. So if
we take the previous points and rotate about the y-axis we get:

[left( begin{matrix}
R_2 + R_1 cos theta, &
R_1 sin theta, &
0 end{matrix} right)
left( begin{matrix}
cos phi & 0 & sin phi \
0 & 1 & 0 \
-sin phi & 0 & cos phi end{matrix} right)]

[= left( begin{matrix}
(R_2 + R_1 cos theta)cos phi, &
R_1 sin theta, &
-(R_2 + R_1 cos theta)sin phi end{matrix} right)]

But wait: we also want the whole donut to spin around on at least two more axes
for the animation. They were called A and B in the original code: it was a
rotation about the x-axis by A and a rotation about the z-axis by B.
This is a bit hairier, so I’m not even going write the result yet, but it’s a
bunch of matrix multiplies.

[left( begin{matrix}
R_2 + R_1 cos theta, &
R_1 sin theta, &
0 end{matrix} right)
left( begin{matrix}
cos phi & 0 & sin phi \
0 & 1 & 0 \
-sin phi & 0 & cos phi end{matrix} right)
left( begin{matrix}
1 & 0 & 0 \
0 & cos A & sin A \
0 & -sin A & cos A end{matr