A community conference for data makers everywhere |
Featuring stories about data sharing and data analysis from science, journalism, government, and open source. Thank you for making csv,conf,v6 possible! Look out for csv,conf,v7 in 2022! csv,conf is about: Building Community csv,conf brings diverse groups together to discuss data topics, and features stories about data sharing and data analysis from science, journalism, government, and open source. People who love data csv,conf is a non-profit community conference run by folks who really love data and sharing knowledge. If you are as passionate about data and its application to society as we are, then this is the conference for you. Big and small csv,conf conferences aren’t just about spreadsheets. We curate content on broader topics like advancing the art of data collaboration- from putting your data on GitHub, to producing meaningful insight by running large scale distributed processing on a cluster. |
Conference Keynotes | |||
From a spreadsheet to critical data infrastructure: building The COVID Tracking ProjectJulia Kodysh, Michal Mart, Kevin Miller, Kara Schechtman
The decentralized nature of public health infrastructure in the United States, whi |