Reading code is not as simple as reading the text of a file end-to-end. It is a non-linear, sometimes chaotic process of jumping between files to follow a trail, building a mental picture of how code relates to its surrounding context. GitHub’s mission is to be the home for all developers, and reading code is one of the core experiences we offer. Every day, millions of users use GitHub to view and interact with code. So, about a year ago we set out to create a new code view that supports the entire code reading experience with features like a file tree, symbol navigation, code search integration, sticky lines, and code section folding. The new code view is powerful, intelligent, and interactive, but it is not an attempt to turn the repository browsing experience into an IDE.
While building the new code view, our team had a few guiding principles on which we refused to compromise:
- It must add these powerful new features to transform how users read code on GitHub.
- It must be intuitive and easy to use for all of GitHub’s millions of users.
- It must be fast.
Initial efforts
The first step was to build out the features we wanted in a natural, straightforward way, taking the advice that “premature optimization is the root of all evil.”1 After all, if simple code satisfactorily solves our problems, then we should stop there. We knew we wanted to build a highly interactive and stateful code viewing experience, so we decided to use React to enable us to iterate more quickly on the user interface. Our initial implementation for the code blob was dead-simple: our syntax highlighting service converted the raw file contents to a list of HTML strings corresponding to the lines of the file, and each of these lines was added to the document.
There was one key problem: our performance scaled badly with the number of lines in the file. In particular, our LCP and TTI times measurably increased at around 500 lines, and this increase became noticeable at around 2,000 lines. Around those same thresholds, interactions like highlighting a line or collapsing a code section became similarly sluggish. We take these performance metrics seriously for a number of reasons. Most importantly, they are user-centric—that is, they are meant to measure aspects of the quality of a user’s experience on the page. On top of that, they are also part of how search engines like Google determine where to rank pages in their search results; fast pages get shown first, and the code view is one of the many ways GitHub’s users can show their work to the world.
As we dug in, we discovered that there were a few things at play:
- When there are many DOM nodes on the page, style calculations and paints take longer.
- When there are many DOM nodes on the page, DOM queries take longer, and the results can have a significant memory footprint.
- When there are many React nodes on the page, renders and DOM reconciliation both take longer.
It’s worth noting that none of these are problems with React specifically; any page with a very large DOM would experience the first two problems, and any solution where a large DOM is created and managed by JavaScript would experience the third.
We mitigated these problems considerably by ensuring that we were not running these expensive operations more than necessary. Typical React optimization techniques like memoization and debouncing user input, as well as some less common solutions like pulling in an observer pattern went a long way toward ensuring that React state updates, and therefore DOM updates, only occurred as needed.
Mitigating the problem, however, is not solving the problem. Even with all of these optimizations in place, the initial render of the page remained a fundamentally expensive operation for large files. In the repository that builds, for example, we have a CODEOWNERS file that is about 18,000 lines long, and pushes the 2MB size limit for displaying files in the UI. With no optimizations besides the ones described above, React’s first pass at building the DOM for this page takes nearly 27 seconds.2 Considering more than half of users will abandon a page if it loads for more than three seconds, there was obviously lots of work left to do.
A promising but incomplete solution
Enter virtualization. Virtualization is a performance optimization technique that examines the scroll state of the page to determine what content to include in the DOM. For example, if we are viewing a 10,000 line file but only about 75 lines fit on the screen at a time, we can save lots of time by only rendering the lines that fit in the viewport. As the user scrolls, we add any lines that need to appear, and remove any lines that can disappear, as illustrated by this demo.3
This satisfies the most basic requ