Every programmer I know has at some point longingly expressed how “[they] want to work with [their] hands”. Some say they wish they were a carpenter, some want to be in the fields on a farm, some want to raise chickens, or milk cows. It is however inevitable that I either hear someone say it or agree with it at some point. Often, the sentiment is accompanied by a general dissatisfaction with the impact of the speaker’s work or profession. Maybe someone just got a particularly mind-numbing feature request, or spent several weeks arguing in meetings about several pixels of padding for text on a button on a support page in a single app.
One of the first examples that got me to notice this ongoing trend was back around the end of 2020, when a number of my friends shared and commented on a hackernews thread about someone who had responded to a request to add an RSS feed to a DBMS with the news that he had quit programming and switched to carpentry, in a particularly pithy manner (as an aside, I took a look at his woodworking shop while writing this up, and it is quite beautiful, you should definitely check it out).
Now the relevant part here isn’t necessarily this particular post or person (It seems to me that he really prefers and loves woodworking over software which is of course completely valid, and I honestly understand it in many ways), but the reactions to it, many of which were wistful among people I knew as well as among the comments online. Though there was certainly debate between commenters(see the thread linked earlier if curious). If I had to sum up the reactions, they fell into two camps. It was split between a group who mainly expressed admiration and a desire to be doing similar work, interspersed with condemnations leveled towards modern software practices and businesses, and a second group who mainly saw the flaws in modern development as being similar to those in any other job, or who thought that other jobs were even worse off. My real interest in writing this post is exploring why people – especially tech workers – seem to resonate so strongly with stories such as this one, where other tech workers leave behind their positions to return to work based in crafts, agriculture, or homesteading. This is particularly interesting to me given the seeming stability of this fascination regardless of the economic situation for tech workers (in 2020, the market was quite strong, though there’s been noted layoffs in recent years). In fact, here is another thread on reddit from a year ago referencing the same phenomenon. Another one here I’ve only looked through the comments of, but many discuss their desire to leave IT for farming. If you aren’t a tech worker, trust me in that you will hear people say how much they want this if you are a tech worker.
ebd2’s post was just one particularly salient example, but if you’ve been online enough over the last decade or so, you’ve probably seen plenty of these kinds of posts in the same way I have, and not just from software developers or general tech workers. Across tech, it appears that many people are tired of working in offices, with computers, with meetings or emails, and want to abandon this life and start anew in more meaningful labor. In fact, over the last few years, there’s been a noted increase(see here or here) in a style of content that portrays idyllic lifestyles in times perceived as simpler, especially in short form video content. I can’t help but propose this “cottagecore” type content as deriving from the same zeitgeist. For popular examples, take a look at Nara Smith making all sorts of odd things from scratch, or at the popular but ominous ballerina farm, which inspired significant discussion over it’s formation (discussed here among other places). If this content is so wildly popular, there’s certainly some form of backlash against modernity and a desire to turn back the clock.
After hearing this desire to return to a more hands-on type of labor once again recently, I began to ask myself why it was so common. Why does everyone who sits behind a computer long to be out in the fields or workshops? Is this specific to some subgroup in tech that I happen to cross paths with regularly, or is it a broader modern ennui? To understand why I find the topic so interesting though, you’ll probably require a bit of background on me. I currently work as a researcher in the application of machine learning to problems in healthcare and genetics, but I was raised on a farm in a very rural area of Vermont. My mother’s side of the family have been farmers in the area for generations, generally growing and selling hay, as well as sheep and some amount of dairy farming. As a child on a farm, I of course helped work on the farm – throwing hay bales, carrying water buckets, shoveling massive piles of manure. I also worked in the associated side industries, like basic construction. I appreciate what I learned from this work, and the lessons were deeply valuable ones, but at the same time I would be lying if I didn’t admit that the intensity of it was a serious motivator for me to study harder than I otherwise would have and focus on technical skills, precisely so that I wouldn’t have to do physical labor anymore. I dreamed about the idea of getting paid to sit in an air conditioned office, free of clouds of dust, never having to deal with the constant little cuts and pricks from the blades of dried grass in the air of a hayloft slicing my arms over and over. Personally, I still like gardening, and there are parts of farming I enjoy quite a lot. If I lived in an area with more space, I would likely still farm as a hobby, but having your income or food supply come from it is a very different concept in terms of stress.
Considering that, I hope it makes sense as to why I find this trend puzzling. Why would people who are so comfortable, whose job was to me a lifelong goal, want to do exactly what I worked so hard to move away from? I suspect the answer is tied up in the nature of our work in the modern world, as well as in the inspection of who has been mythologized in American history. So we’ll be taking a short departure from the modern day to look into this, if you’ll excuse the seeming change in subjec
Probably because being sat in front of a computer all day just sucks the life out of you, and programmers make enough money to experiment with something different
Because programmers play too much Stardew Valley and the high pay removes the anxiety of starving to death when it doesn't rain because you can just spend your way out of problems.
Also have never probably experienced harvesting things in the heat. It fucking sucks.
In as few words as possible, JIRA, Agile, shareholders.
Most programmers don’t really seem to understand that programming isn’t really their job. It’s an illusion. Their job is to create value to the shareholders. That’s not really that much fun, and once the joy of writing and reading code is slowly squeezed away from their position is when those with sanity still intact start thinking “Man, I ought to get the fuck up out of here and find a real job or something.” The really lucky ones are outdoorsy folks that can afford to do the homesteading thing, or are willing to forego the immense compensation that tech work so often allures them with.
Just my two cents. I was blessed to retire in my thirties, so I could be entirely out of touch, though I hear many things.
As a side note, I really like the writing style of this blog post.
It's pretty natural to want to not feel alienated from nature and other human beings. The specific form of this fantasy is a little bit fantastical though.
Midlife crisis is a saying for a reason. Many many people have them at some point.
The goal of capitalism is to get enough money to escape capitalism and live a life of leisure. It’s not weird to want to quit and start a homestead or enjoy other hobbies. That’s normal. The people who want to keep working and refuse to retire are the weirdos. What is wrong with them that they just can’t enjoy a life of luxury on the beach and leave well enough alone?
For me, it's that homesteading has lots of problem solving but in the physical realm.
It's not that it has strictly to do with being outside or away from the computer (that's nice though) but for me it's that you still get to build and be proud of what you've done.
When I do work away from the computer and more in farm/homestead situations, I'm still drawn to using technology to solve problems (e.g. Automating certain tasks with microcontrollers), so it's not a rejection of my $job.
I think it's that I'm a builder and a problem solver at heart, I love finding issues, fixing them and being glad. Homestead is often that 100x.
Have to disagree with the article though, I don't think it has anything to do with a mythos.
The post talks like tech jobs have a societal benefit but it's difficult to see it due to the many layers of abstraction.
I would rather posit that most tech jobs have a negative societal impact and it's difficult to find a company which isn't focusing on fucking the maximum amount of profit out of their customers while utilising the cheapest lubricant.
You start to realize the RPG games you grinded on in your teens and 20s (or longer) really didn't amount to anything. Then you realize if you wood cut and fish in real life you can build things and feed yourself. Suddenly that seems far more interesting working on little hobby projects and skilling in the physical world than working on whatever bullshit pays for that in the 9-5.
After some point you'd rather you didn't have to do that 9-5 at all and become depressed a bit by the fact you have to spend so much time a day on something that doesn't fundamentally concern you and you don't therefore fundamentally care about. The fact it takes up your time and energy, and you don't get to get out of it until you are old and worn out unless you hit some lottery in the meanwhile.
Tech is a treadmill. New framework, new language version, new tool version. Many, maybe most of the "improvements"…aren't. They are changes for the sake of change. Stability is a completely unknown concept.
Eventually, you get tired of it. Doing something simple becomes ever more attractive. Me, I still teach tech, but I also build stone walls.
Maybe they think it sounds better than it is because it's so common for them to believe they deeply understand a topic when they've really only confidently oversimplified it?
The fantastic element that explains the appeal of games to many developers is neither the fire-breathing monsters nor the milky-skinned, semi-clad sirens; it is the experience of carrying out a task from start to finish without any change in the user requirements.
Twenty-some years ago working 12am-6am overnight trying to fix production database issues and meet deadlines, I told myself I didn't want to be doing this in another 10 years.
"Plato saw Diogenes washing lettuces, came up to him and quietly said to him, 'Had you paid court to Dionysius, you wouldn't now be washing lettuces,' and that he with equal calmness made answer, 'If you had washed lettuces, you wouldn't have paid court to Dionysius."
I think there are a few reasons.
– Simplify (whether or not this is misguided, it's part of the appeal).
– Autonomy. Being able to, even partially, move off-grid decreases your reliance on society.
– Physical / nature. Sitting at a desk all day definitely has a toll.
There's several No true Scotsman comments here, but IMO there's nothing wrong with attempting this lifestyle. If someone decides (and can afford) to live more simply, it doesn't bother me any. Good for them!
I think the negativity might be because every frikin' one of them tries to turn into a snake oil selling influencer, and we're just seeing influencer fatigue setting in.
Many are commenting on why they don't like jobs, but the article has a very good analysis of the other side of this trope: People fantasize about homesteading or farming because they don't know how much work it really is. To many, homesteading is an escapist fantasy:
> so few Americans are familiar with the actual work behind jobs in the agricultural sector or related ones, I would argue that for many Americans the reality of this type of work is almost indistinguishable from fables or myth in their psychological context, due to lack of exposure. Due to that seeming separation from their mental context of what work is, it enhances the feeling of escapism which this work-fantasy provides
These fantasies always seem perplexing to those of us who grew up with exposure to actual farming life. Running a modern farm is hard work. Taking it a step further to the idea of homesteading would bring unthinkable amounts of labor, difficulty, and a realization that the old office job wasn't so bad after all.
Of the few people who actually pursue these fantasies, it usually takes the form of a hobby farm or some backyard gardening with ample injections of cash to keep things moving.
Grey hair sysadmin story time…
I came to understand the "purposelessness" of my career very early on; when I decommissioned a bare metal server from a datacenter after finishing the deploy of it's replacement and realised that the old server was the first unit I'd racked when I started in the position 4 years ago.
That was ~20 years ago. Nothing I've had a hand in building / maintaining has "survived" for more than ~7 years.
My Dad worked to build houses. Prior to my IT career I'd laboured for him and played my small part in the creation of many homes around where I grew up. They'll be there for a hundred years maybe.
Quitting the ephemeral world of IT to work on building a homestead and creating tangible things that directly keep humans alive seems like an obvious calling to me.
The constant evolution of "tech" is a blessing and a curse.
Luckily my uncle and aunt had a large farm, where my mother used to send me and my sister for a couple of weeks, every summer – at least for me that pretty much killed any romantic idea of what farm life is like.
In fact, I'm also very grateful that I got to try a wide range of shitty manual labor job as a student. So many people would kill for a cushy office job.
EDIT: Might I also add, I think some engineers – especially those that have reached FIRE, enjoy the idea of LARPing a homestead / farming life. If you have enough money to not feel the stress, you can have a smaller farm.
The harsh reality is that operating a small farm can be brutal. You're at the very bottom of the food-chain, as far as the agricultural business goes.
In addition to the sitting on your rear or day just schlepping code for a company, there's also this perception that other people have of programmers just not really producing anything tangible and/or the profession just being something you do if you are weak and/or afraid to do labour.
I gotta admit, that on a day where it's just about chasing some elusive bug or bugs, even I say to myself: "What the hell did I do today?" even though I might have spent 8-10 solid hours actively working. If the bug is hard enough to find I feel like I accomplished nothing nor have anything to show for it.
And sometimes, when you add to the fact that as devs we have all these perks in the office like free snacks, being able to go out for lunch, free sodas, free coffee, or WFH etc. and for what? We accomplished nothing!
Conversely, you might meet blue collar workers who has to, absolutely has to commute to a job site (no WFH for them), busts their rear to get something real and tangible done. Like for example, setting up electrical, or building a frame, or fixing a major plumbing issue, or doing drywall, or painting an entire house, or doing an entire roof in the heat etc. And sometimes these people barely get their bathroom, lunch and/or coffee breaks. It really makes us seem spoiled in comparison.
And yes, I know that it's kinda denigrating to use the word "real" to describe anything but software, but, what I mean, is that most non-software people only understand finished and shipped software as real. They don't that understand DB schemas, software specs, MVPs, for example, etc. is also real as well. And they certainly don't understand time spent on thinking about data structures and algorithms as anything real or tangible. Especially if you spend most time planning properly before you code.
Anyways, we want to prove, at least to ourselves, that we can actually create something that everyone can see, touch, feel, pick up, eat, stand on, sit on, etc. And we want to prove that we can have same high standards and craftsmanship this kind of work that we have for code.
Yeah, some of us have a chip on our shoulder about that.
Another TJ who's an occasional HN poster might have some insight here. @tjic is the author of "Escape the City: A How-To Homesteading Guide"
I don't know if I can agree with this. I am a programmer. I work with programmers and I know quite a few outside of work. Maybe three or four have expressed this wish, but not many.
There are a multitude of reasons why one might not like being a programmer, but most of them have nothing to do with programming itself. It's other people. Other engineers or managers or parasites. People who think antisocial behavior is okay, or worse, that it's the way to get ahead in life.
Toxic people make everything suck. I worked extremely hard to stop being even a little toxic. I wish more people would realize how their behavior affects others.
I think this got caught by the flamewar detector. :(
I like reading discussion on this topic. Not that I've ever seriously considered this, but still interesting to read about.
Why would people who are so comfortable, whose job was to me a lifelong goal, want to do exactly what I worked so hard to move away from?
The difference is doing it out of necessity vs. doing it out of choice. Nobody fetishizes being worked to the bone in fear of making ends meet. Tech people are by and large well-educated and comfortable enough to dream of a utopia where they can be close to nature and do tasks that feel meaningful and human in an of themselves (vs. hyper-abstracted acronym-laden functional teams value-adds that often only provide the indirect satisfaction of "I'm doing my job and my boss is happy"). "I made a chair" and "I grew some carrots" are instantly relatable and valuable to anyone.
Source: I quit my tech job and moved to the woods 8 years ago, but would only do so because I don't need to worry about grinding a survival out of it.
That's a lot of consideration from someone who transitioned from hands-on farm work to ML, but I’d propose a simpler take: sensorimotor loop integration is a core brain function. When we spend years extremely prioritizing logic and verbal tasks while neglecting physical/sensory engagement, the brain naturally craves that activation to stay balanced. The author’s focus on American mythos psychoanalysis feels like an overcomplication that misses the point of what might be a basic biological need. Maybe I’m missing nuance, but this blogspot was disappointing and felt intellectually cowardly.
The author gives strong wordcel vibes, it's sad to read tbh.
I think my primary motivator is simple autonomy. Feeling like I have some degree of control over my environment. I recognize that I can't do everything myself, but private taxi for burrito is a few steps too far.
A few years ago something snapped and I started cancelling things like landscapers. Even trivial crap like mowing my own lawn and cooking my own meals is, on average, significantly more rewarding than sitting at a computer all day. There is definitely a psychological impact to letting other parties manage large aspects of your residence.
If "shower thoughts" are helpful to you, try a few hours of hard labor in the sun. You may be amazed to discover how far the spectrum of background metal processing capabilities extends. Any notion that time spent at the computer is proportional to progress with code/work/etc. is absolutely insane to me. It's almost as if you get more things done on the computer the less you use it.
Extremely long post, eh?
I think programmers – good ones at least – like building things, like seeing things go. We care deeply about what we can make in the world. We are in a OODA loop, where we put in effort, fix things, and they get better.
But often building stuff becomes jammed up, organizationally. There's other people injecting priorities and concerns. There's a whole org, that's utterly dependent on us, that thinks it want things, but don't understand what we are bargaining over, doesn't have the essential capabilities to see the truths, affinities, struggles, and joys we feel. We're on our own island of empathy with products. And the outcome is always so unknown, riding this organization ship.
The idea of going out there homesteading speaks, to me, to a desire to have a loop where there's less people injecting themselves. A very recent highlight from Tools for Conviviality (Ivan Illich, 1973) comes to mind,
"Survival, justice, and self-defined work. I take these to be fundamental to any convivial society."
Via https://bsky.app/profile/gordon.bsky.social/post/3ll5hgh3el2…
For me, it's about having a tangible impact at a more local level. I make small software to solve specific needs and it feels just as good as making real objects.
It's not so much about ownership, but about operating on concrete things that you can point to, instead of spinning up virtual machines in the cloud.
Building software without agile or tickets or meetings feels just as good. It's what I've been doing for the last five years. It feels nice again.
I don't think this is necessarily unique to programmers. I often heard the same sentiment expressed by (non-CS) postdocs, who longed to leave academia to become artisanal bakers or small-scale mushroom farmers.
It's interesting that the article notes an idealization of the yeoman farmer in the American urbanite's psyche.
I spend a fair amount of time reading Bret Devereaux's acoup.blog, and one thing I learned from there was the idealization of the small, independent farmer by Rome's literary elite (who themselves were wealthy urbanites).
History repeats itself, it would seem :)
The amusing thing is that either you're an unsuccessful farmer, and run ragged trying to keep up with the work, or a successful farmer, with employees and equipment and spreadsheets to organize the work.
Or have "income from a publisher in New York", a criticism a contemporary made of Thoreau in his Walden period.
Sometimes I feel more accomplished after sweeping the floor than I do after a whole day grinding in an IDE…
Be a craft programmer. Create or join a small lifestyle tech company that understands the beauty of software, the importance of keeping your tools sharp and your technique polished. Avoid the giant soul-sucking companies where you're just a cog in a giant machine.
This is not-invented-here syndrome extrapolated to the markets.
> so few Americans are familiar with the actual work behind jobs in the agricultural sector or related ones, I would argue that for many Americans the reality of this type of work is almost indistinguishable from fables or myth in their psychological context, due to lack of exposure.
The lack of exposure isn’t accidental. Romanticizing farming doesn’t extend to romanticizing farmers. It’s not like you couldn’t go to a county fair, take a stroll around and ask yourself what this thing is all about. Or, actually talk with the farmer at your farmer’s market. Keeping the people at arm’s length is key to maintaining the romantic idea of farming as something to be escaped to rather than a difficult and sometimes dangerous job. Even some reading about silo safety would be edifying.
> This idyllic view certainly leaves out the part where she has to take a pick and scrape dirt and feces out of those goats hooves and trim them on a regular basis to prevent foot-rot
I think a big part of this is the same thing behind the impulse to rewrite a hoary old software system from scratch: Our tendency to underestimate reality's true level of detail.
Having spent my youth on a dryland wheat farm in Montana, I would just say no.
Why does everyone who sits behind a computer long to be out in the fields or workshops?
My flip answer to that is that they haven't spent their youth on a farm, worrying about a hailstorm that wipes out the entire wheat crop for the year, or you lose 25% of your cattle herd to a recently diagnosed virus diarrhea. My grandparents were homesteaders who at some point in their life lived in houses with dirt floors.
The fact of life was that due to technology, the productivity of the American farm increased by almost two orders of magnitude during my Grandfather's lifetime. This meant that a tractor that my dad purchased when I was about 3 for the equivalent of 1500 bushels of wheat cost about 9000 by the time I went to college.
Thus, the economics of a family farm, or sole dude wanting to get away from the computer and grow something is painful.
A couple of kids that do an excellent job of building a homestead are the couple behind the youtube channel Ambition Strikes. They call at an off-grid homestead, but through their unbounded energy and creativity have created their own substantial mini-grid. I have a lot of respect for them and what they have done.
The article notes It is difficult to think of any field more forcibly disentangled from any sort of understanding of the impact of your labor than the majority of positions in tech. This is discussed in some detail in the book "Stiffed" by Susan Faludi. She discusses the community nature of the naval shipyards, in which everyone apparently was connected meaningfully to their work and the workers around them. She contrasts that with the workers in aerospace whose work is so abstract that it was hard for a professional working there to describe to their kids what exactly they do all day.
As a fellow who moved from a city to the rural for this reason, I can tell you why this zeitgeist exists. Because the more observant of us read our history and figured out that technology and software in particular is a weaponized form of capitalism that tries to fuck over every other part of the economy.
Every day we work on reinventing grand rube goldberg versions of a PDP-11, insulated by a nice fluffy layer of know-nothing management, with the slow obfuscated goal to entrap, control and exploit any sector of the economy that actually does anything.
– Logistics of people moving goods? Profits eaten by software.
– Marketplaces of buyers/sellers of people? A percentage to the house of software.
– Farming? Land speculation by software.
– That one tiny minuscule coat pocket of economic required liquidity aside, the entirety of finance is parasitical and moved en masse to software a while back.
– Eductation! Theres an app for that.
Sure the investors have let it be a pleasant middle class job because building a green field full of grass is great way to catch a hog or the brightest people you can, smart people being the required instrument of your fuckery but thats finally coming to a close. Don't have to make the grass so green when you own everything anyway. And we're at the point where they're onto nakedly buying governments.
The extensively cultivated naivety of this site aside (when it comes to power), I think most of you know whats coming and that you probably shouldn't be entirely dependent on the tech companies in the future. But as always, "It is difficult to get a man to understand something, when his salary depends on his not understanding it."
I find the work I do every day to be alienating me from the tangible physical aspects of accomplishment, as well as the natural world around me. Unlike many others in tech though, I grew up on a farm and have absolutely no desire to get into farming. Instead, I got into wildlife photography as a hobby that takes me on walks/hikes without set end goals to see what I can see and try to capture it. I also got into motorsports/racing cars, and spent a considerable amount of time working on cars as a hobby, both my race cars and the cars of anyone who needed a hand. I no longer race cars, but I still wrench when needed and still do photography.
There are many ways to find hobbies which provide tangible meaningful value to yourself and society, reconnect you to the physical world, and even help your community that don't involve homesteading off-grid. I strongly encourage everyone I know in tech, coworkers included, to find some type of hobby that does that for them. I agree with the article author though that the idyllic fantasy of farming is bunk, and most people would be better for both themselves and their community to find something else physical to do with their time.
Oh hey, I'm the guy who (in?)famously no longer builds software. Still building furniture, still dicking around on HN when I'm not building furniture.
My current project is a mid-century modern-inspired dining table. I'm delighted by the design, and I'm tickled to be building it. Not all projects are as fun. Last year I built a very large liquor cabinet that involved rather more problem-solving than expected. I should've charged more for it, and I am, as ever, grateful that my partner works a salaried job that comes with health insurance.
As a small point of order, I was never actually asked to add an RSS feed to a DBMS. I've definitely implemented things that made just as much sense to me though.
I remain delighted by how much that GitHub comment still resonates with folks, and I remain astonished that the issue is still open after almost 8 years.
ETA: I remain wholly unqualified to discuss the state of actual agriculture and homesteading. My partner and I garden, but make no pretense of ever having our small home be self-sustaining economically or even in food.
I think this impulse is actually pretty simple and doesn't need to resort to high level cultural politics to understand it (though I agree that culture comes into play too). I think it's mostly two things:
1. We crave tactile skillful experiences
We have thousands of years of evolution that encourage us to want to use our bodies skillfully. We're a tool-using species and humans that didn't derive some intrinsic satisfaction from manipulating the physical world deftly probably didn't survive long enough to make babies.
It just straight up feels good to watch ones own hands turn a piece of wood into a utensil, a hank of yarn into a wearable garment, or a patch of dirt into edible vegetables.
2. We want to feel resourceful and secure
We have emotions like anxiety and worry to get us to prepare for the future. Of course, we can't fully predict the future, so part of that is a general feeling of resourcefulness. "I don't know what's coming, but I know I can handle it when it does."
Working in tech is in many ways the opposite of that. We're like hothouse flowers or thoroughbred racehorses. We are fantastically good at this one specific thing that happens to be highly valued right now. But there's an underlying anxiety that if the world stops needing more software… what's our plan B?
You don't have to go full apocalyptic prepper mentality to have a gnawing worry in the back of your head that if this whole software thing doesn't work out, what else am I good for?
A craving for manual skills that transcend trends, time, and specific corporate employment is a natural hedge against that frightening level of specialization.
Really, "cottagecore"?
I'm surprised nobody else has said it yet, but this name is ridiculous and probably at least partially why this post isn't being taken all that seriously.
> One could argue, as many have, that some of this increase in housing cost is offset by decreased costs in other expenditures such as food or technology.
A Georgist perspective on this would be that it's the decreased costs in other goods and services which have (partially) contributed to the increased cost in housing, as any increase in disposable income allows you to bid up the price of land. Not everyone does, but enough do so that it has this overall effect, and the effect is stronger where housing supply is already limited.
I was surprised to see no mention of Leo Marx's: The Machine in the Garden, because that's probably the most canonical book on exactly what the article talks about, the idealization of pastoral life in America[1].
As the blog post hints at it's not really limited to programmers or cubicle workers as such, it's deeply ingrained in the US psyche. Practically you can just hop on any social media platform and see examples. A few days ago I saw some pictures of the new BYD factory in China and it's quite funny to see the difference between Chinese reactions "it'll make us independent" or "jobs there pay better" to English media which have a lot of "that's so big and dystopian", "it'll automate away jobs" etc.
There's an observation by Fukuyama that Americans modernized before they urbanized which has left them midway between urban dweller and villager and that's really what's behind "cottagecore" and also behind the inability to build and automate and the constraints that everyone in American politics complaints about all the time.