The Atom Military electric motorbike is small, light, fast and, perhaps just as importantly, whisper-quiet.
And Mamuka Mamulashvili, commander of the Georgian Legion, wants them for his sniper teams.
“We have to go and leave fast,” Mamulashvili told The War Zone Wednesday morning. “So we need electro bikes.”
Mamulashvili said he needs a fast, quiet vehicle to get sniper teams to a location where they can fire off shots for about five to 10 minutes, then quickly get out before the Russians rain artillery down on their position.
Ukrainian troops and their Georgian Legion allies want small, fast electric motorbikes to fight Russians. (ELEEK photo)
Ukrainian forces too hope this unassuming, homegrown vehicle will help it continue to defend against Russian invaders.
Built by a company called ELEEK in Ternopil, the Atom Military has a top speed of 90 kph, can travel up to 150 km on one five-hour charge and can carry up to 150 kg, according to the company. They have a motorcycle suspension, brakes and wheels “which allow them to be durable on the off-road.”
They even come with an optional USB for charging gadgets and a 220V socket so that additional heavy, bulky batteries aren’t needed.
“They have already managed to visit the hot spots, helping their owners successfully perform their tasks,” the company says on its Facebook page.
The ELEEK Atom Military electronic motorbike is designed to give Ukrainian forces a light, fast vehicle to fight Russians. (ELEEK photo).
While the company doesn’t specify what those tasks are, a Ukrainian businessman trying to raise funds to field them says they have a wide range of uses.
Thanks to their speed, size and relatively low heat signature, the Atom Military motorbikes are used for reconnaissance missions, among several other tasks.
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