For a number of years, I’ve been wanting to writing a book called “Coding Curves”. There are all kinds of really fascinating curves that are fun to code and understand and create very interesting images. I’ve started this book at least three times. I’m feeling the urge to to it again, but I’m going to be more realistic about it this time. I don’t think I’m going to sit down and write a book cover to cover and get it formatted and edited and self publish it. I’ve accepted that that’s just not going to happen. But I want to write about this stuff.
The Plan
So I’m going to try to do it as a series of blog posts. I don’t know how often these posts will come out. Maybe once a week if I’m diligent. Maybe more often if I get on a roll. Maybe less if I get bored, distracted, or busy with other things. But even if there’s a gap, I can pick back up where I left off and continue.
Maybe, when it’s all done (will it ever be?) there will be enough there to actually compile into a book. Who knows.
Table of Contents
This is the plan. It may differ, but we gotta start somewhere. I’ll link the posts as they come out here, so this post can continue to serve as an index.
- Intro (you’re reading it)
- Trig Curves
- Arcs, Circles, Ellipses
- Lissajous Curves
- Harmonographs
- Pintographs
- Parabolas and Hyperbolas
- Bezier curves
- Cycloids and Trochoids
- Spirals
- Roses
- Guilloche Patterns
- Polynomials
- Fourier Series
In general we’ll be covering two-dimensional curves. Some of these subjects wil