Journal List Front Psychol PMC6455058 Front Psychol. 2019; 10: 538. This article has been cited by other articles in PMC.AbstractAcetaminophen – a potent physical painkiller that also reduces empathy for other people’s suffering – blunts physical and social pain by reducing activation in brain areas (i.e. anterior insula and anterior cingulate) thought to be related…
In the world of modern portable devices, it may be hard to believe that merely a few decades ago the most convenient way to keep track of time was a mechanical watch. Unlike their quartz and smart siblings, mechanical watches can run without using any batteries or other electronic components. Over the course of this…
How long have you been working in the same company? Five years? Ten? Walter Orthmann (Brazil) has been working at the same company for 84 years and 9 days, as verified on 6 January 2022. His passion, discipline and commitment motivated him to keep doing what he loves and, eventually, become an official Guinness World Records title…
Nature Video 28 April 2022 Creative thinking suffers online but it’s not all bad news for working from home.
Publisert: Oppdatert nå nettoppRussian politicians under Western sanctions, financial criminals, and corrupt European officials all own real estate in the emirate, which attracts investors with liberal residency rules and a ‘few questions asked’ approach to regulation.Spectacular skyscrapers, luxury lifestyles, and sunny beaches — these are the hallmarks of Dubai, a Middle Eastern financial hub known…
Pitivi is a Free video editor with a beautiful and intuitive user interface, a clean codebase and a fantastic community. Join us! Pitivi 2020.09 — Hocus focus Oct 11, 2020 Release The Pitivi team proudly presents Pitivi version 2020.09, a new milestone towards the most reliable video editor. Presenting Our Google Summer of Code Students!…
On Saturday, Yuga Labs―the company behind the Bored Apes Yacht Club NFT collection― launched a sale for Otherdeeds, which are NFTs for digital land related to an upcoming “metaverse” gaming project called Otherside. Within hours, the sale turned into a disaster that made the company nearly $300 million but bottlenecked the blockchain and burned nearly $200…