Carmageddon by Daniel Knowles: A Brief Review
Daniel Knowles’ Carmageddon: How Cars Make Life Worse and What to
Do About It is an entertaining, lucid, and well-written “manifesto”
(to borrow a term from the author) aiming to get us all thinking a bit
more about what cars do to society, and how to move on to a better
outcome for all.
The book alternates between historical context and background, lived
experience (as the author is a foreign correspondent who had the
opportunity to travel), and researched content. It is refreshingly free
of formalities (no endless footnotes or endnotes with references, though
I would have liked occassional references but hey we all went to school
long enough to do a bit of research given a pointer or two). I learned
or relearned a few things as I was for example somewhat unaware of the
air pollution (micro-particle) impact stemming from tires and brake
abrasions—for which electronic vehic