They say:

“… it would be inappropriate to make any change without clear evidence of a direct issue”

However, the threat is real:

The IETF Administration LLC has decided to continue to hold meetings in the US,
in spite of significant threats to the safety of the community in traveling there.
As an Internet community we strive to include everyone. Holding a meeting in the
US is incompatible with our values.
We call on the IETF community to refuse to travel to the 127th IETF meeting,
to be held in San Francisco.


Who cannot travel to the US


Who will refuse to attend in solidarity


Who otherwise support this initiative

If you are unable to travel to the US, or wish to voice your support for this boycott,
fill in the form below – your signature can be anonymous.

The US is dangerous

For many, the US was already a country for which it was not safe to travel to.
But now, it is an actively hostile state to almost anyone travelling there.

‘Surely this won’t affect me; I’m white, male, and European?’ Think again.
Here are the examples we know about of people being detained at the US border,
and put into camps:

  • A French scientist was deported for holding views critical of the Trump administration.
    Source: The Guardian.
  • A Welsh backpacker was detained for 19 days. Source:
    BBC News.
  • A Canadian actor was detained for 2 weeks. Source:
    The Guardian.
  • A German engineer with permanent residency in the US (Green Card) is currently being detained. Source:
    The Guardian.
  • Two German tourists were held for two weeks and nearly two months, respectively. Source:
    Deutsche Welle.

There are undoubtedly more cases we do not know about.
These people are being held in utterly inhumane conditions, often without access to appropriate
medical care, legal representation, food, nor even a bed. Some have been tortured.

Beyond problems at the border, the current Secretary for Health and Human Services – Robert F. Kennedy Jr. –
has said that he will send those with ADHD to camps. Source:
Even if attendees get through the border, their safety during the meeting cannot be guaranteed.

‘We can’t just cancel meeting!’

We can, and we should.

RFC 8718 sets the
criteria for the selection of a meeting venue for the IETF meetings. Amongst the core values listed
is that of inclusiveness. Specifically, the IETF should:

Avoid meeting in countries with laws that effectively exclude people on the basis of race, ethnicity,
religion, gender, sexual orientation, national origin, citizenship, or gender identity.

Additionally, RFC 9137
sets the conditions on cancelling/relocating IETF meetings. Amongst examples of situations that should
trigger a meeting cancellation are:

  • War, civil unrest, or a public health crisis could make a meeting unsafe and/or result in widespread
    national or corporate travel bans.
  • Changes in visa policies or other unexpected governmental restrictions might make the venue
    inaccessible to numerous attendees.

Voice your support

Those who wish to be public

Unable to travel

Q Misell

Max-Planck Institut für Informatik

J. Heimerl-Ombeck

Annika Schramm


Alexandra Miller

Martine Lenders

Andrew Alston

Maria Matejka


Ellie Schieder

PKI Quest

Matthias Bussonnier

Thea Barbette

Researcher at ICTEAM

Hristo Bogdanov

Nadežda von Reitzenstein Čerpnjak

Peter Körner

Seibert Group GmbH

Refusing to attend

Tobias Fiebig


David ‘equinox’ Lamparter

NetDEF / FRRouting

Marc Haber

incluesion, Freelance IT Insultant

Tommy Jensen


Bryce A. Lynch