As a software engineer, you must be familiar with information security. In your work projects, you may have gone through security audits, including static code scanning, vulnerability scanning, or penetration testing. You may have even done more comprehensive red team exercises. Apart from that, you may have heard of OWASP and have a general idea of what OWASP Top 10 includes and what common security vulnerabilities exist.
However, when we narrow down the scope to “information security in web front-end development,” many people may only know about XSS and nothing else.
If we compare the field of web front-end security to a universe, XSS might be the biggest and brightest planet that captures most people’s attention. But besides XSS, there are many other smaller planets and stars in the universe that have always been there, you just haven’t noticed them.
Apart from XSS, there are many other security topics worth learning, such as prototype pollution that exploits JavaScript features, CSS injection attacks that can be executed without JavaScript, or side-channel attacks like XSLeaks in web front-end development.
As a front-end engineer, when I stepped into the field of security, it felt like entering a different world. In that world, I saw familiar HTML, CSS, and JavaScript, but they were used in ways I had never seen before. After working in this field for five or six years, I thought I had seen about 80% of the usage methods, but after diving into security,