Recently I'm starting to think that maybe part of the reason I have such difficulty getting my needs met is because my definition of “self-care” has been too strict.
When I think of self-care I usually only think of “healthier” things like talking a walk, meditation, reading a book, etc. But I'm certain we all partake in all sorts of other activities that, even if they don't necessarily sound all that honorable, still help us maintain stability and get through the day in general. For example, doom-scrolling as a way to wind-down after work, beers with friends on Friday night, watching funny youtube videos, etc.
Anyway, I'm really curious to find out what you folks do regularly, deliberately or not, that would fall under this bigger umbrella of self-care activities. Listing the various things you do and explaining what you think it's effect is would be super helpful for me, because I'm really struggling in this aspect…
Thanks so much!