I have been duelling with some ideas in the back of my mind for quite sometime. I would like to share with you and see how I can build something to help others.
Recently I was stroke with a high possibility of a health problem in my family which would lead to long time consequences. At the moment of writing, thankfully, the fears did not realise.
I was presented by the hospital with material to read and it was helpful but I was feeling anguished and desperate that nothing was really sticking to me. I felt that I needed to talk to someone and at that moment I realised that it is hard.
I am not going into gender discussion or whatever, it does not really belong here, but at that moment I felt that there no platforms to fathers and men in general to discuss.
My question are:
– Is there any well-known platform for this?
I believe this is not something that you post to tik-tok, instagram or whatever. Those platforms are a magnet for attention-seekers and are not focused on the well-being.
– If there is not, what could I do to help the next one?
If this is something I will host from my own pocket, it can't be expensive. I cannot afford large streaming services with professionals giving individual advices, but I possibly could host a discussion forum/chat for people to talk about.
– If I am going to work on this, is there any format you suggest?
Some first thoughts are to keep it simple. A discord server, a forum (with phpBB or whatever) or maybe a CMS with some chat functionality.
I wonder if there is any format that would help more. I am a software engineer I would be confident to do anything from scratch by myself or with help of others, but why not starting helping as soon as possible?
All suggestions are welcome