Since 2011 I have been collecting basic statistics about Telegram channels. The main benefit of this dataset is that for 4070 Telegram channels I have over 17,000,000 snapshots of the number of members and how many were online at the time of the snapshot, with an intra-daily frequency.
Some statistics:
– Created: 26 May 2021, 15:18:48 UTC+2
– Last modified: 15 Mar 2023, 08:55:22 UTC+1
– Number of rows: 17,114,794
– Total logical bytes: 3.68 GB
– Active logical bytes: 3.68 GB
Here is an example of an observation:
– content: 87133members,35361online
– date: 2022-03-27
– datestamp: 2022-03-27T00:10:05
– channel_id: SUKUecosystem
– contract_address: 0x0763fdccf1ae541a5961815c0872a8c5bc6de4d7
– channel_url:
– members: 87133.0
– online: 35361.0
Any thoughts on how to Monetise this dataset?