I would like to know more about how Stripe assesses the risks around future refunds and chargeback.
I understand that there needs to be a safety margin and risk hedging but 50% for 9 months is going a bit far.
We are a small recreational property manager in the Netherlands. We switched from Mollie to Stripe earlier this year because our new PMS works exclusively with Stripe. Never had any problems with Mollie in the past.
We charge 20% commission for our services and pay out our owners on check-out date every month. Currently we have something over €600k tied up until April 2024. This is money from stays that have already been and we have to pay out to our owners.
What are your experiences with percentages withheld and the length of it?
How do these decisions come about, what data points do they use?
Are they able to analyze at all on a case-by-case basis?
Is there a change of getting this amount payed or are we f*cked?