Hi Hacker News community,
I'm trying to deal with a very interesting (to me) case. Someone is proxy-mirroring all content of my website under a different domain name.
– Original: https://www.saashub.com
– Abuser/Proxy-mirror: https://sukuns.us.to
My ideas of resolution:
1) Block them by IP – That doesn't work as they are rotating the IP from which the request is coming.
2) Block them by User Agent – They are duplicating the user-agent of the person making the request to sukuns.us.to
3) Add some JavaScript to redirect to the original domain-name – They are stripping all JS.
4) Use absolute URLs everywhere – they are rewriting everything www.saashub.com to their domain name.
i.e. I'm out of ideas. Any suggestions would be highly appreciated.
p.s. what is more, Bing is indexing all of SaaSHub's content under sukuns.us.to ¯_(ツ)_/¯. I've reported a copyright infringement, but I have a feeling that it could take ages to get resolved.