Animals tend to get smaller as their populations grow because of increased competition for food resources among members of the same species. That’s not what has happened with California sea lions, however, according to a new study led by scientists at UC Santa Cruz.
Published April 27 in Current Biology, the study found that male California sea lions have gotten bigger as the population grew over the past 50 years, while female body size has remained stable.
“It’s counterintuitive. You would expect that their body size would decrease as dietary resource competition intensified,” said coauthor Paul Koch, professor of Earth and planetary sciences at UCSC.
The number of California sea lions has increased dramatically since the Marine Mammal Protection Act was passed in 1972. In parts of their range, the sea lions may now be approaching the ecological “carrying capacity,” the largest number of animals an ecosystem can support.
In other marine mammal species, including northern fur seals, South American sea lions, and harbor seals, declines in adult body size have been observed as their population size in