The following letter can be found in More Letters of Note. Grab a copy here.
In April of 1971, in an article that lasted a single paragraph, Private Eye magazine alleged that one James Arkell, in his role as Retail Credit Manager of Granada TV Rental Ltd, had for some time been receiving monthly backhanders from a debt collection agency used by his employer. Arkell was less than pleased, and before long a letter arrived at Private Eye’s offices in which his solicitors demanded a retraction and damages for their client. That letter can be read below, as can an uncompromising reply which has since become famous in legal and publishing circles for reasons that will become clear.
Never ones to miss an opportunity, Private Eye published the exchange very quickly, and almost immediately Arkell withdrew his complaint. The magazine have since used the dispute as shorthand when responding to threats—e.g. “We refer you to the reply given in the case of Arkell v. Pressdram.”—as have recipients of legal threats in the wider world.