Geospatial data isn’t special anymore, and that’s a good thing.
Geospatial solutions were thought of as “special”, because what modernized the data ecosystem of today, left geospatial data mostly behind. This changes today.
Thanks to the efforts of the Apache Iceberg and Parquet communities, we are excited to share that both Iceberg and Parquet now support geometry and geography (collectively the GEO) data types.
Geospatial challenges
Geospatial data has been disconnected from the broader data ecosystem that modernized from open file formats like Apache Parquet, and open table formats like Apache Iceberg, Delta Lake, and Apache Hudi.
The benefits of these cloud-native open file and table formats fueled widespread adoption of data lake and lakehouse architectures. Organizations moved away from the use of expensive proprietary systems, away from data siloes that coupled compute with storage and didn’t scale, and away from formats that locked them in and stifled innovation. Relative to legacy options, these cloud-native formats fundamentally change how data is stored, managed, and accessed. This in turn lowers costs, increases agency, and unlocks innovation over time. But because geospatial data was different, which led to a number of technical challenges, it wasn’t supported by these formats from the start. As a result developers building solutions with geospatial data struggled with fragmented formats, proprietary file types, and data siloes – making solutions harder and costlier to build.
The silos will break down
With native geospatial data type support in Apache Iceberg and Parquet, you can seamlessly run query and processing engines like Wherobots, DuckDB, Apache Sedona, Apache Spark, Databricks, Snowflake, and BigQuery on your data. All the while benefitting from faster queries and lower storage costs from Parquet formatted data.
These changes improve short and long term economics for geospatial solutions. Organizations will have a new freedom to innovate with a lower cost, highly interoperable architecture. They get to choose the best t