The Interledger Foundation (ILF) and its community are building pathways to financial access and opportunity across the world. We support people and ideas that use the Interledger Protocol (ILP) to contribute to an open payments network built on equitable access through the internet.
In continued service of our mission, and learning from our Grant for the Web program, we are excited to announce the next open Call For Proposals (CFP) to target the creation of more financial nodes in the Interledger network. We will be looking for projects that want to plan and build financial services.
Examples of consumer-facing services we seek to activate as ILP nodes are digital wallets, mobile money providers, banks, neo-banks, and all include these characteristics:
- Enables money to be transferred on the ILP network
- Permits issuing and housing accounts for individuals and organizations
- Uses an Electronic Money Institution license for the region, community, or use case projects will serve
- Is designed for interoperability across systems and currencies
- Is dedicated to open-source knowledge sharing as a contribution to the emerging ecosystem
“In our two years of grantmaking, we have learned that promise and excitement are not enough for our tec