Amazon wants a product safety regulator declared unconstitutional
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Amazon wants a product safety regulator declared unconstitutional
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As in, amazingly and horrifically awful behavior.
That’s an interesting indirect statement that Amazon believes they are effective protection for consumer safety.
I’ve never heard of them, but I guess they are doing good work.
Almost as if the company is run by sociopaths for whose empathy is a foreign, malign concept. Money and power is the only goal worthy spending energy on, greed is good. Bezos is well known for at least some of that.
Damn, we all knew that modern free egalitarian society stands on rather weak legs, 7 days to the wolves and all, but to see it happening in real time is quite something. Like traveling and overall security before 9/11 and after.
I'll tell my kids about these times, in Switzerland we are pretty well shielded from current US madness but no shield is strong enough, US became simply too central, about time to shift balance. I realize bipolar orange man is probably trying to keep the balance in favor of US in upcoming future, but that elephant in porcelain shop approach is just speeding up things against what US should want for itself as a global player. But what do I know, maybe fascist oligarchy dictatorship is a good way for US long term.
Amazon needs to breakup its own sales vs warehouse/shipping business if it wants to be able to do things like that.
Otherwise it can do sly things like sell things to itself for distribution and then not be responsible.
Is "Amazon Resale" then not responsible for recalls?
One thing about Walmart, if there's a recall for an item they sold, you just bring it back to their customer service desk and they do a full refund. There was a DVD player I had bought a decade earlier that was apparently bursting into flames for some people so recalled, I just brought it back there used and worn out and full refund.
Of course if Amazon wins this, well Walmart is going to also stop doing it.
> The company argues that it merely ships these goods for others — similar to UPS and FedEx — and should not be required to cooperate with the CPSC on recalls if those products are found to be unsafe.
So these other companies only pay Amazon for the shipping and nothing else, do they?
A serious body, doing serious work, but with a frequently hilarious social media account
Potential bias warning: The Washington Post is owned by Bezos.
It's interesting that Congress is talking about sunsetting section 230 which provides protection for web sites that display user generated content from being responsible for what that content says, and what Amazon wants here is apparently the equivalent for drop-ship/forwarding sales companies and the products those companies ship through them. But the argument is that safety agencies are unconstitutional?
For me, this suggests a high level of dysfunction in the Government if people asking for things from the Government do so using the biases of the people in power as the basis for their argument rather than reasoning to it by some set of principles. I don't know how much of this article was inferred by the person writing it and how much accurately reflects Amazon's position, so I can't draw strong conclusions from it but it's an interesting reflection on the extreme 'buyer beware' attitude of cut throat businesses that take no responsibility for the harms they inflict on their own customers.
We're well beyond the point of these massive tech companies needing to be broken up.
This sort of cutthroat litigation is getting too much. Once upon a time corprations actually did stuff when told by government. If a product or service was declared dangerous, it stopped. If a regulator said every room needed a fire extinguisher, the company bought fire extinguishers. Now, every little thing becomes a case for the supreme court, often literally. Insist that safety signs be in spanish? Thats heading to scotus as a profound constitutional crisis at the root of democracy, "Stop selling bombs" … well that impacts state's rights to regulate non-lethal weapons. Im all for testing constitutionality, but this isnt about that. This is about delaying each and every tiny reg because doing so saves a buck on next week's earnings report. I dont like seeing constitutional issues used as a cover for blatant penny pinching. Amazon sells stuff. Like every other "person" selling stuff they have an obligation not to sell dangerous stuff. It isnt right that they can ignore every warning as they wait out 10+ years of litigation.
How about this: Dont think this is constitutional? How about every profit derived from the sale of anything dangerous be put in escrow until the litigation is over? Many states do this with traffic tickets.
If any Amazon employee involved in this is here, I'd love to hear their take on if/how this conflicts with their leadership principles:…
Whenever i interviewed there, i felt they actually abide by these and somehow this move seems to contradict their top one: Customer Obsession.
Bezos looking for some payback for WAPO?
I'm already at the point where I don't trust anything Amazon is selling.
My team built automation for the product recalls in 2011. The process roughly was: 1. Pull the listing off. 2. Inform warehouses to pull the product off the shelves and move them to a separate area. 3. Try and get shipments stopped. 4. Notify all those who bought the product about the recall. None of these were a technical challenge.
One of my favorite business managers managed this and she would scan reviews for potential dangerous products even if CPSC has not issued any recalls.
The real problem is why do you do with the recalled products. If it is expensive enough, the seller will take it back. With the flood of really cheap goods, they need to be destroyed and it is expensive. A lot of overseas sellers will just ghost Amazon since the cost of recall might be larger than their profits from that account.