The Brooklyn Bridge was the largest structure in the western hemisphere when it opened in 1883. It was almost twice as long as any suspension bridge built before it. People reasonably asked: Is it stable? Will it collapse?
The fear over whether the bridge would hold was so widespread that P.T. Barnum was asked to parade a herd of elephants across the bridge on opening day, proving the giant structure’s strength to anxious onlookers.
But doubts remained. One week after opening day, crowds of New Yorkers showed what happens when uncertainty and groupthink meet.
It started when a woman crossing the bridge tripped and fell down a wooden staircase that served as a pedestrian exit. Another woman screamed in fear. Someone then yelled that the bridge was collapsing. Panicked bridge-crossers rushed for the exit, swarming into a jumbled mass.
More than a thousand pedestrians were crossing the bridge. It took less than 15 seconds for the entire mile-long span to engulf into human chaos.
The New York Times wrote:
In a moment the narrow stairway was choked with human beings, piled one on top of the other, who were being crushed to death. In a few minutes, 12 persons were killed, 7 injured so seriously that their lives are despaired of, and 28 others more or less severely wounded.