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Fire tablets are not Kindle e-readers. Am
Kindles have long had a history of gaolbreaks. I've scarcely seen a scene as dedicated as the folks over on the MobileRead Forums ( I notice many of the names associated with this new break as people who were associated with hacking early Kindles back in the early 2010s.
For context, it's been a little while since we've had a fresh gaolbreak for new Kindles. Last one was LanguageBreak, which came out back in 2023 and required firmware or lower.
Relevant recent discussion:
Kindle is removing download and transfer option on Feb 26th – 299 Points | 173 comments –
Amazon ends kindle ebooks "Download and Transfer via USB" – 121 Points | 94 Comments –
New Kindle Jailbreak Works with Any Kindle on Any Firmware: 5 points | 45 days ago | 1 comment:
Highlighting the very popular app enabled by this, KOReader:
@dang Can we link to the actual article, instead of a reddit post?
It's a shame this doesn't work for the Kindle Fire tablets, which are amazing devices for the price but unfortunately tethered to Amazon services.
It’s interesting reading that the reasons for jailbreaking a kindle are so trivial, amounting to adding some minor functionality to reading books and not much else.
Kobo jailbreaks from back in the day gave you root on a stripped down Linux install, complete with telnet ssh and ftp. You could even install python and essentially do anything the cpu/display permitted. Another cool aspect with those older kobos was that they had two microsd card readers… one hidden inside the enclosure that contained the OS, accessible without even needing a screwdriver.
Wow, loads instantly. I know it's a simple website, but simple websites often still load slowly.
This is great news! Can it be patched?
The constant anti patterns in how your library and even things in Amazon's interest like book reviews display are why I would do this, if I thought I could script or fix the changes away. Kindle is Doctorow's enshittification at scale.
Kobo are giving you root access with telnet from the start. You can flash modded firmwares, change the backend servers to phone your own calibre-web instance, install ssh, koreader and even a tailscale vpn on it. They even have UART pins labelled on their board. These are amazing devices to play with. And they read pretty much everything you throw on their storage: epub, cbz, cbr, pdf..
my kindle oasis has been largely collecting dusk since I've got my kobo. I do really miss the buttons tho, perhaps this can prolong my buying a third device.
the only thing giving me pause is that I apparently have to register the kindle, which if possible, I'm sure I've avoided. any insight on why this is necessary?
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