One of the most striking facts about neural networks is that they can
compute any function at all. That is, suppose someone hands you some
complicated, wiggly function, $f(x)$:
No matter what the
function, there is guaranteed to be a neural network so that for every
possible input, $x$, the value $f(x)$ (or some close approximation) is
output from the network, e.g.:
This result holds even if the function has many inputs, $f = f(x_1,
ldots, x_m)$, and many outputs. For instance, here’s a network
computing a function with $m = 3$ inputs and $n = 2$ outputs:
This result tells us that neural networks have a kind of
universality. No matter what function we want to compute, we
know that there is a neural network which can do the job.
What’s more, this universality theorem holds even if we restrict our
networks to have just a single layer intermediate between the input
and the output neurons – a so-called single hidden layer. So even
very simple network architectures can be extremely powerful.
The universality theorem is well known by people who use neural
networks. But why it’s true is not so widely understood. Most of the
explanations available are quite technical. For instance, one of the
original papers proving the
by superpositions of a sigmoidal function, by George Cybenko
(1989). The result was very much in the air at the time, and
several groups proved closely related results. Cybenko’s paper
contains a useful discussion of much of that work. Another
important early paper is
feedforward networks are universal approximators, by Kurt Hornik,
Maxwell Stinchcombe, and Halbert White (1989). This paper uses the
Stone-Weierstrass theorem to arrive at similar results. did so
using the Hahn-Banach theorem, the Riesz Representation theorem, and
some Fourier analysis. If you’re a mathematician the argument is not
difficult to follow, but it’s not so easy for most people. That’s a
pity, since the underlying reasons for universality are simple and
In this chapter I give a simple and mostly visual explanation of the
universality theorem. We’ll go step by step through the underlying
ideas. You’ll understand why it’s true that neural networks can
compute any function. You’ll understand some of the limitations of
the result. And you’ll understand how the result relates to deep
neural networks.
To follow the material in the chapter, you do not need to have read
earlier chapters in this book. Instead, the chapter is structured to
be enjoyable as a self-contained essay. Provided you have just a
little basic familiarity with neural networks, you should be able to
follow the explanation. I will, however, provide occasional links to
earlier material, to help fill in any gaps in your knowledge.
Universality theorems are a commonplace in computer science, so much
so that we sometimes forget how astonishing they are. But it’s worth
reminding ourselves: the ability to compute an arbitrary function is
truly remarkable. Almost any process you can imagine can be thought
of as function computation. Consider the problem of naming a piece of
music based on a short sample of the piece. That can be thought of as
computing a function. Or consider the problem of translating a
Chinese text into English. Again, that can be thought of as computing
a function*
*Actually, computing one of many functions, since
there are often many acceptable translations of a given piece of
text.. Or consider the problem of taking an mp4 movie file and
generating a description of the plot of the movie, and a discussion of
the quality of the acting. Again, that can be thought of as a kind of
function computation*
*Ditto the remark about translation and
there being many possible functions.. Universality means that, in
principle, neural networks can do all these things and many more.
Of course, just because we know a neural network exists that can (say)
translate Chinese text into English, that doesn’t mean we have good
techniques for constructing or even recognizing such a network. This
limitation applies also to traditional universality theorems for
models such as Boolean circuits. But, as we’ve seen earlier in the
book, neural networks have powerful algorithms for learning functions.
That combination of learning algorithms + universality is an
attractive mix. Up to now, the book has focused on the learning
algorithms. In this chapter, we focus on universality, and what it
Two caveats
Before explaining why the universality theorem is true, I want to
mention two caveats to the informal statement “a neural network can
compute any function”.
First, this doesn’t mean that a network can be used to exactly
compute any function. Rather, we can get an approximation
that is as good as we want. By increasing the number of hidden
neurons we can improve the approximation. For instance,
earlier I illustrated a network
computing some function $f(x)$ using three hidden neurons. For most
functions only a low-quality approximation will be possible using
three hidden neurons. By increasing the number of hidden neurons
(say, to five) we can typically get a better approximation:
And we can do still better by further increasing the number of hidden
To make this statement more precise, suppose we’re given a function
$f(x)$ which we’d like to compute to within some desired accuracy
$epsilon > 0$. The guarantee is that by using enough hidden neurons
we can always find a neural network whose output $g(x)$ satisfies
$|g(x) – f(x)|
The second caveat is that the class of functions which can be
approximated in the way described are the continuous functions.
If a function is discontinuous, i.e., makes sudden, sharp jumps, then
it won’t in general be possible to approximate using a neural net.
This is not surprising, since our neural networks compute continuous
functions of their input. However, even if the function we’d really
like to compute is discontinuous, it’s often the case that a
continuous approximation is good enough. If that’s so, then we can
use a neural network. In practice, this is not usually an important
Summing up, a more precise statement of the universality theorem is
that neural networks with a single hidden layer can be used to
approximate any continuous function to any desired precision. In this
chapter we’ll actually prove a slightly weaker version of this result,
using two hidden layers instead of one. In the problems I’ll briefly
outline how the explanation can, with a few tweaks, be adapted to give
a proof which uses only a single hidden layer.
Universality with one input and one output
To understand why the universality theorem is true, let’s start by
understanding how to construct a neural network which approximates a
function with just one input and one output:
It turns out that this is the core of the problem of universality.
Once we’ve understood this special case it’s actually pretty easy to
extend to functions with many inputs and many outputs.
To build insight into how to construct a network to compute $f$, let’s
start with a network containing just a single hidden layer, with two
hidden neurons, and an output layer containing a single output neuron:
To get a feel for how components in the network work, let’s focus on
the top hidden neuron. In the diagram below, click on the weight,
$w$, and drag the mouse a little ways to the right to increase $w$.
You can immediately see how the function computed by the top hidden
neuron changes:
As we learnt earlier in the book,
what’s being computed by the hidden neuron is $sigma(wx + b)$, where
$sigma(z) equiv 1/(1+e^{-z})$ is the sigmoid function. Up to now,
we’ve made frequent use of this algebraic form. But for the proof of
universality we will obtain more insight by ignoring the algebra
entirely, and instead manipulating and observing the shape shown in
the graph. This won’t just give us a better feel for what’s going on,
it will also give us a proof*
*Strictly speaking, the visual
approach I’m taking isn’t what’s traditionally thought of as a
proof. But I believe the visual approach gives more insight into
why the result is true than a traditional proof. And, of course,
that kind of insight is the real purpose behind a proof.
Occasionally, there will be small gaps in the reasoning I present:
places where I make a visual argument that is plausible, but not
quite rigorous. If this bothers you, then consider it a challenge
to fill in the missing steps. But don’t lose sight of the real
purpose: to understand why the universality theorem is true. of
universality that applies to activation functions other than the
sigmoid function.
To get started on this proof, try clicking on the bias, $b$, in the
diagram above, and dragging to the right to increase it. You’ll see
that as the bias increases the graph moves to the left, but its shape
doesn’t change.
Next, click and drag to the left in order to decrease the bias.
You’ll see that as the bias decreases the graph moves to the right,
but, again, its shape doesn’t change.
Next, decrease the weight to around $2$ or $3$. You’ll see that as
you decrease the weight, the curve broadens out. You might need to
change the bias as well, in order to keep the curve in-frame.
Finally, increase the weight up past $w = 100$. As you do, the curve
gets steeper, until eventually it begins to look like a step function.
Try to adjust the bias so the step occurs near $x = 0.3$. The
following short clip shows what your result should look like. Click
on the play button to play (or replay) the video:
We can simplify our analysis quite a bit by increasing the weight so
much that the output really is a step function, to a very good
approximation. Below I’ve plotted the output from the top hidden
neuron when the weight is $w = 999$. Note that this plot is static,
and you can’t change parameters such as the weight.
It’s actually quite a bit easier to work with step functions than
general sigmoid functions. The reason is that in the output layer we
add up contributions from all the hidden neurons. It’s easy to
analyze the sum of a bunch of step functions, but rather more
difficult to reason about what happens when you add up a bunch of
sigmoid shaped curves. And so it makes things much easier to assume
that our hidden neurons are outputting step functions. More
concretely, we do this by fixing the weight $w$ to be some very large
value, and then setting the position of the step by modifying the
bias. Of course, treating the output as a step function is an
approximation, but it’s a very good approximation, and for now we’ll
treat it as exact. I’ll come back later to discuss the impact of
deviations from this approximation.
At what value of $x$ does the step occur? Put another way, how does
the position of the step depend upon the weight and bias?
To answer this question, try modifying the weight and bias in the
diagram above (you may need to scroll back a bit). Can you figure out
how the position of the step depends on $w$ and $b$? With a little
work you should be able to convince yourself that the position of the
step is proportional to $b$, and inversely proportional
to $w$.
In fact, the step is at position $s = -b/w$, as you can see by
modifying the weight and bias