Hello! Today I asked on twitter about newer
command line tools, like ripgrep
and fd
and fzf
and exa
and bat
I got a bunch of replies with tools I hadn’t heard of, so I thought I’d make a
list here. A lot of people also pointed at the modern-unix list.
replacements for standard tools
- ripgrep, ag, ack (grep)
- exa, lsd (ls)
- mosh (ssh)
- bat (cat)
- delta (a pager for git)
- fd (find)
- drill, dog (dig)
- duf (df)
- dust, ncdu (du)
- pgcli (psql)
- btm, btop, glances, gtop, zenith (top)
- tldr (man, sort of)
- sd (sed)
- difftastic (diff)
- mtr (traceroute)
- plocate (locate)
new inventions
Here are some tools that are not exactly replacements for standard tools:
- z, fasd, autojump, zoxide (tools to make it easier to find files / change directories)
- broot (a file manager)
- direnv (load environment variables depending on the current directory)
- fzf, peco (“fuzzy finder”)
- croc and magic-wormhole (send files from one computer to another)
- hyperfine (benchmarking)
- httpie, curlie, xh (for making HTTP requests)
- entr (run arbitrary commands when files change)
- asdf (version manager for multiple languages)
- tig, lazygit (interactive interfaces for git)
- lazydocker (interactive interface for docker)
- choose (the basics of awk/cut)
- ctop (top for containers)
- fuck (autocorrect command line errors)
- pbcopy/pbpaste (for clipboard <> stdin/stdout) maybe aren’t “new” but were mentioned a lot. You can use xclip to do the same thing on Linux.
- jq (a great JSON-wrangling t