A collection of language tools and a Language Server Protocol (LSP) implementation for Postgres, focusing on developer experience and reliable SQL tooling.
This project provides a toolchain for Postgres development, built on Postgres’ own parser libpg_query
to ensure 100% syntax compatibility. It is built on a Server-Client architecture with a transport-agnostic design. This means all features can be accessed not only through the Language Server Protocol, but also through other interfaces like a CLI, HTTP APIs, or a WebAssembly module. The goal is to make all the great Postgres too
Previously: Postgres Language Server (963 points, 121 comments, 2023) (https://news.ycombinator.com/item?id=37020610)
My pipe dream is a terraform-like, delcarative, cross-dialect way to manage database schemas/code.
Sql Server kind of gets there with the .sqlproj and DACPAC stuff but it is quite fiddlesome to setup. I've only seen liquibase as a semi-close alternative in the FOSS space and it really just works with explicitly defined migration chains AFAICT rather than semantic diff and change generation.
I think if anyone is going to bring something like that to market, even for just postgres, it will be SupaBase.
Can we get an (easy to use) vscode debugger for plpgsql next?
It's past time to move beyond LSP. However I'm glad to see more language servers because that means there will be more who will want to improve the situation.
Edit: they're right with me on this. From the README: "It is built on a Server-Client architecture with a transport-agnostic design." Way to go!
Would love to get this plugged into intellij/datagrip
As someone who’s written a ton of PL/pgSQL code recently, I have been saving all my functions and their subsequent revisions in database migration files (Supabase). This feels like such a huge step backwards compared to browsing a well structured codebase with namespaces and modules. I know that Postgres provides schemas, and I am using them to a limited extent, but I am really speaking towards just having a tree oriented set of files on disk like I would with TypeScript, Golang, etc… and a way to refresh this tree against what’s currently active in my database. Had anyone else had a similar issue or better still, resolved it?