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How Flash games shaped the video game industry (2020) by jslakro

How Flash games shaped the video game industry (2020) by jslakro

How Flash games shaped the video game industry (2020) by jslakro


  • Post Author
    Posted March 2, 2025 at 1:01 am

    Yes it was crazy times. Flash was full of possibilities.

    Until Steve Jobs went on the toot horn and told everyone Flash is terrible and it needs to die. No surprise there, old Steve just launched the app store and wanted 30% of every game thank you very much.

    Then to everyone's surprise, the Adobe CEO went on TV and agreed publicly that Flash had to go and we're working on better "open" tools.

    All flash developers around the world, even "certified" ones like me (lol!), watch in disdain and disbelief. We're HTML5 developers now. Back to backbone and jquery we go!

    Long Live Macromedia Flash, and F Adobe. AS3 was OP back in the javascript days where it couldn't parse int properly. Flash got ridiculously fast after years of improvements, and it was unique with this blend of timeline and scripts. Adobe Flex was also a decent web application framework. We don't talk about Director anymore, as well, who was a very powerful tool.

    All of that is gone now, replaced by teams of 5 people to do the job of 1, and basically trying to get as productive as we were then.

    But what about game frameworks for web games today? A wasteland. A hundred possibilities and none of them doing a particular stellar job.

  • Post Author
    Posted March 2, 2025 at 1:12 am

    This is an absolutely beautiful work of art and it saddens me that it does not have more upvotes.

  • Post Author
    Posted March 2, 2025 at 1:31 am

    This website does not appear to render the games it claims to on Firefox Mobile

  • Post Author
    Posted March 2, 2025 at 1:54 am

    Flash was one of the best new technologies of the digital age, allowing nearly effortless creativity with easy tools and low-bandwidth, reliable delivery. It was glorious.

    It was overused, terribly, and often used for questionable purposes (e.g., rendering a static website, or the dreaded SIFR). But it was like MySpace in how well and quickly it democratized creativity on the web, except it also afforded motion and games and video. Flash was great.

    Adobe is awful, though. I’m not sure if Flash is the most useful thing they’ve killed outright, but it might be. I almost wish I could believe it was intentional, that they bought it to kill it. I really do think it was pure greed and stupidity, though. Most of what Adobe has done in the last 20 years is rent-seeking.

    Imagine if they’d been a good steward of the tech, made it stable and performant on low-power devices. Yeah, Steve Jobs put the final nail in the coffin. Adobe administered the poison and tailored the funeral suit. Screw Adobe.

  • Post Author
    Posted March 2, 2025 at 1:55 am

    It's really interesting how Macromedia Flash software unlocked insane creative potential in so so many people in domains of animation and games. I think nothing ever before or after managed to do anything even remotely similar.

  • Post Author
    Posted March 2, 2025 at 2:12 am

    So I just bought the latest bundle for the California wildfires [1]. I bought it partly because there are a few decent "big" indie games on there, but mostly because these mega itch bundles nostalgically remind me of two similar eras in my life: Digging through Shareware CD mega packs, and browsing for weird games on Newgrounds.

    The shareware CDs were fun, because they always had enticing titles like "More than 800 games!" or something like that, and as a kid I would dig around the directory structures and play the weird stuff that they had pulled off BBS's. Some of them games would be good, most of them would be pretty mediocre, some would be bad, but it sort of felt like you were unearthing stuff, trying to find an interesting game as you played.

    Similarly, I would do the same thing on Newgrounds a lot as a teenager. It was fun to find unique games, especially since a lot of these games really had no ambitions of making money, so they could so a lot of things that you couldn't get away with in retail games. You could make them hyper-violent, or gratuitous sexual content, or just odd humor that wasn't really meant to be understood by anyone but the creator and their friend group.

    My first "real" job after dropping out of college was writing Flash and Coldfusion software in 2012, because I had cut my teeth with Actionscript as a teenager. This was after Steve Jobs' infamous letter, but Flash was still more or less relevant, and I'm grateful to have had paying work with it, if only briefly.


  • Post Author
    Posted March 2, 2025 at 2:17 am

    I remember a few peak Newgrounds games from two decades ago more vividly than AAA, 60hr games that 100%'ed a few years ago.

  • Post Author
    Posted March 2, 2025 at 2:30 am

    An important detail that isn't touched on here: the Flash authoring tools were proprietary and much too expensive for hobbyists to afford. While many users simply pirated the tools, there was still a vast gulf between authors and the much larger audience of players.

    The web today is a much more capable ecosystem than "HTML5" was for the original iPhone, and while many web developers crinkle their projects into minified source or opaque WASM blobs, every user has browser developer tools at their fingertips for peeking behind the curtain and making changes live.

    It is perhaps most surprising that in the post-Flash world no comparable development environments have sprung up to replace its end-to-end animation and interactivity workflow. Game "engines" like Unity and Godot have captured much of the game development audience for Flash, but their ability to produce web exports is clearly an afterthought, producing huge files, glacial load times, and often simply crashing in any browser that isn't a bleeding-edge instance of Chrome.

  • Post Author
    Posted March 2, 2025 at 3:55 am

    Discussed at the time (of the article):

    Flash Game History – July 2020 (69 comments)

  • Post Author
    Posted March 2, 2025 at 5:18 am

    Anyone remember Something I didn't realize at the time was that their "Top 10 List" was not actually based on usage stats, but based on their editorial decisions and decisions of games to pay to be on the list.

  • Post Author
    Posted March 2, 2025 at 5:21 am

    Seeing the testimonials here reminds me of why working in Engineering at Kongregate was one of the most rewarding stops along my career.

  • Post Author
    Posted March 2, 2025 at 5:22 am

    The current equivalent of Flash games is Roblox games.

    They also start instantly, and can be created quite quickly. Creators there are often young, experiment rapidly. There are platform-specific trends that someone invents, and which then spread. I fully expect to see new genres and widely known creators being born there.

    For instance the creator of the massively popular Steam game "Lethal Company" got their start making Roblox games.

  • Post Author
    Posted March 2, 2025 at 5:30 am

    I have lots of fond memories of playing these mini flash games as a kid :)

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