A New Kind of Python IDE
Dynamic visualizations are as simple as a loop
for t in range(100): plot( x=x, y=np.cos(x + t / 10) ) time.sleep(0.01)
Visualize in realtime directly from your Python scripts — no notebooks, servers, or
browsers required.
Visualizations are displayed in a dedicated
tab right within the IDE.
Integrated plotting toolkits
Scripton includes built-in plotting toolkits that expose the capabilities of Plotly
Plot directly to Python.
No installation is necessary — these libraries are automatically
available when executing in Scripton.
from scripton.lyra import plot import numpy as np # Evenly spaced values between 0 and 2π x = np.linspace(0, 2 * np.pi) # Plot sin(x) plot({'x': x, 'y': np.sin(x)})
For more details, check out the Scripton plotting documentation for Lyra
(toolkit for Plotly) and Orion
(toolkit for Observable Plot).
Realtime visualizations for science & engineering
Realtime colormapped visualization of 1280×1080 depthmaps (as NumPy
matrices) in Scripton.
Scripton’s architecture combines high-performance interprocess communication for low
latency and high throughput on the backend, while leveraging GPU-accelerated rendering to
deliver real-time visualizations.
Visualizing matrices (2D NumPy arrays, PyTorch tensors, …) is as simple as this —
import numpy as np from scripton import show x = np.arange(100) toeplitz = np.abs(x[:, None] - x) # Show a colormapped version of the matrix show(toeplitz)
Learn more about visualizing
Built-in graphics toolkit
↑ A de Jong attractor rendered using Scripton’s canvas API. Comprising a
million draw_circle
calls — one for each point.
↑ RANSAC estimation of a circle from noisy points in the presence of
Each candidate circle is drawn using Scripton’s canvas API from directly within the sampling
loop, with its color representing its inlier ratio.
The built-in Scripton canvas library
provides a fast and powerful 2D raster graphics API.
from scripton.canvas import Canvas canvas = Canvas(width=290, height=200) for i in range(10): canvas.draw_circle( x=100 + 5 * i, y=100, radius=10 + 10 * i, fill='#3D79FF2
This looks beautiful, I don't do data viz in Python so I don't have a use for this. I do mostly web dev in Python, but wow it looks amazing!
I'm really surprised (and almost not) to hear the UI is in TypeScript, did you use a specific web framework like React by chance? The UI looks really nice to me.
Can it visualize PyTorch Tensors without an additional memory copy? I.e. mapping it directly to a texture which is then displayed?
I know this is not much of a concern on a system with unified memory (all recent apple computers).
Do you plan on selling copies (vs only subscription)?
How does Observable Plot work here? Do you translate the code to JavaScript?
What are your plans for a data table UI?
Shameless plug: I created the open source Buckaroo table for jupyter (embeddable in other contexts) with histograms, summary stats, search… I love talking tables if you want to get in touch.
more like SubScripton
Looks beautiful so congratulation for the launch.
Not sure if today this is enough though without any kind of AI chat assistant. Trae [0] is based on VSCode and Jetbrains Fleet are good looking as well. Visualization is definitely a big plus but there is also alternative like using rerun [1] and dearpygui [2] or some VSCode plugins (Python Image Preview, AREPL for Python)- might be hard to compete with those free alternatives on a subscription model IMHO but good luck!
[0] https://trae.ai/
[1] https://www.rerun.io/
[2] https://github.com/hoffstadt/DearPyGui
If you want this in Clojure, check out Clerk. [0]
As a bonus, you can continue to use whatever IDE you already use.
[0] https://github.com/nextjournal/clerk
This looks incredible, but I’m not a fan of the subscription pricing.
How about a hobbyist rate at least?
What happens when I would stop my subscription? The scripton lib is open source and the lyra orion plot functions can output image files without refactoring? (Or do I have to reactivate my subscription?) (Congrats on your product launch btw :)
Does anyone know the name of the typeface/font used in the example images?
In a similar vein: https://www.spyder-ide.org/ (MIT-licensed)
I would've enjoyed trying this out but the subscription fee is an immediate turn off.
My biggest concern with this project is expertise and potential burn-out. There's a lot of writing from scratch that really begs to go through the gauntlet of open source.
Fantastic product and props to the creator on it! Though Mac only and a subscription price of this magnitude for an IDE is a hard sell, given the availability of other options, which aren't neccesarily $20 a month worse. Never the less I'll keep my eye on this project.
why not go down vscode extension path?
The price doesn't make sense in conjunction with PyCharm's pricing IMO.
Congratulations on your advertisement. I personally won't be paying to have free and open source software rented back to me as a monthly subscription, but I wish you the best of luck.
As far as I'm concerned, the subscription model is an instant showstopper, just like web-based UIs.
OP, you're selling your tool to the wrong people. HN is not the crowd. This is for core-engineers who want to get value out of coding.
Find people who pay the $1000/yr to use 1 tool in Matlab, and start pulling them away.
I am a robotics engineer/scientist and I do shit ton of visualization of all kind of high-fidelity/high-rate data, often in a streaming setting – time series at a few thousand Hz, RGB/depth images from multiple cameras, debugging my models, etc.
For a long time, I had my own observability suite – a messy library of python scripts that I use for visualizing data. I replaced all of them with rerun (https://rerun.io/) and if you are someone who think Scipton is exciting, you should def try rerun too!
I use cursor/vscode for my development and add a line or two to my usual workflows in python, and rerun pops up in it's own window. It's a simple pip installable library, and just works. It's open source, and the founders run a very active forum too.
Edit: One slightly related tid-bit that might be interesting to HN folks. rerun isn't that old, and is in active development, with some breaking changes and new features that come up every month. And it means that LLM are pretty bad at rerun code gen, beyond the simple boilerplate. Recently, it kind of made my life hell as all of my interns refuse to use docs and try using LLMs for rerun code generation and come to me with a messy code spagetti. It's both sad and hilarious. To make my life easier, I asked rerun folks to create machine readable docs and they didn't really do it. So I just scrape their docs and ask my interns to paste the docs in their prompt before they query LLMs and it works like a charm now.
This looks really really cool but I do hate everything being subscriptions. Everyone trying to be a digital landlord out here. Just sell me something.