This book is a short introduction to deep learning for readers with
a STEM background, originally designed to be read on a phone
screen. This is the v1.2 updated on May
19th, 2024.
It is distributed under a non-commercial Creative Commons license
and was downloaded
600’000 times in a
bit more than a year.
Download the phone-formatted pdf
Buy a
$9 paperback copy on
Download a printable A5 booklet pdf
Note that the version sold on Amazon and other on-line platforms
for $40 is “unauthorized”: someone stole the content and sells
it. Preventing this would require to sue and I have better things to
do with my time.
V1.2 (May 19, 2024)
- Chapter 8. New chapter on low-resource methods (prompt
engineering, quantization, low-rank adapters, model merging). - Miscellaneous. Changed “meta parameter” to “hyper
parameter”. - Section 3.6. Added a sub-section about fine-tuning.
- Section 4.8. Added the note about the quadratic