How Netflix’s Container Platform Connects Linux Kernel Panics to Kubernetes Pods
By Kyle Anderson
With a recent effort to reduce customer (engineers, not end users) pain on our container platform Titus, I started investigating “orphaned” pods. There are pods that never got to finish and had to be garbage collected with no real satisfactory final status. Our Service job (think ReplicatSet) owners don’t care too much, but our Batch users care a lot. Without a real return code, how can they know if it is safe to retry or not?
These orphaned pods represent real pain for our users, even if they are a small percentage of the total pods in the system. Where are they going, exactly? Why did they go away?
This blog post shows how to connect the dots from the worst case scenario (a kernel panic) through to Kubernetes (k8s) and eventually up to us operators so that we can track how and why our k8s nodes are going away.
Orphaned pods get lost because the underlying k8s node object goes away. Once that happens a GC process deletes the pod. On Titus we run a custom controller to store the history of Pod and Node objects, so that we can save some explanation and show it to our users. This failure mode looks like this in our UI:
This is an explanation, but it wasn’t very satisfying to me or to our users. Why was the agent lost?
Nodes can go away for any reason, especially in “the cloud”. When this happens, usually a k8s cloud-controller provided by the cloud vendor will detect that the actual server, in our case an EC2 Instance, has actually gone away, and will in turn delete the k8s node object. That still doesn’t really answer the question of why.
How can we make sure that every instance that goes away has a reason, account for that reason, and bubble it up all the way to the pod? It all starts with an annotation:
"apiVersion": "v1",
"kind": "Pod",
"metadata": {
"annotations": {
"": "Something really bad happened!",
Just making a place to put this data is a great start. Now all we have to do is make our GC controllers aware of this annotation, and then sprinkle it into any process that could potentially make a pod or node go away unexpectedly. Adding an annotation (as opposed to patching the status) preserves the rest of the pod as-is for historical purposes. (We also add annotations for what did the terminating, and a short reason-code
for tagging)
The pod-termination-reason
annotation is useful to populate human readable messages like:
- “This pod was preempted by a higher priority job ($id)”
- “This pod had to be terminated because the underlying hardware failed ($failuretype)”
- “This pod had to be terminated because $user ran sudo halt on the node”
- “This pod died unexpectedly because the underlying node kernel panicked!”
But wait, how are we going to annotate a pod for a node that kernel panicked?
When the Linux kernel panics, there is just not much you can do. But what if you could send out some sort