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Insight is an autonomous AI that can do medical research. It has a boss agent that takes an objective and an executive summary of the tasks completed already and their results and creates a task list. A worker agent picks up a task from the list and completes it, saving the results to llama index. The boss gets informed of the results and changes/reprioritizes the task list. The workers can call into the pubmed and mygene APIs (more to come). The workers also get context from llama index to help complete their tasks.
INSIGHT can also reload and continue runs, and also load any human readable data file and use it along side the other findings!
You can also load your llama Index database and talk to it, asking arbitrary questions about your data, by running
You will have to specify the path to your index in the bottom of the file. See the bottom of
for an example.
Please reach out to me or contribute if this interests you :) My email is
subgraph APIs;
Boss((BOSS AGENT)) <--> GPT[LLM];
Llama[(LLAMA INDEX)] –>|Summary of results| Boss;
Boss –>|Create| Queue[TASK LIST];
Worker((WORKER AGENT)) <--> GPT;
Queue –> |Pull| Worker;
Llama –>|Context for task| Worker;
Worker –> Result[Task Result];
Result –> |Text| Llama;
Result –>|Code| Executor{PYTHON EXECUTOR};
Executor –> API1[PUBMED];
Executor –> API2[MYGENE];
Executor –> Execution[Execution Result];
Execution –> Llama;
Llama <--> TalkToIndex[Talk To Index];
User{{User}} –>|Query| TalkToIndex;
TalkToIndex –>|Result| User;
” dir=”auto”>
graph TB;
subgraph APIs;
Boss((BOSS AGENT)) <--> GPT[LLM];
Llama[(LLAMA INDEX)] -->|Summary of results| Boss;
Boss -->|Create| Queue[TASK LIST];
Worker((WORKER AGENT)) <--> GPT;
Queue --> |Pull| Worker;
Llama -->|Context for task| Worker;
Worker --> Result[Task Result];
Result --> |Text| Llama;
Result -->|Code| Executor{PYTHON EXECUTOR};
Executor --> API1[PUBMED];
Executor --> API2[MYGENE];
Executor --> Execution[Execution Result];
Execution --> Llama;
Llama <--> Talk-->-->-->