by Jaroni Lan
Ok. That was an easy fix.
$ npm run build
With all the tests and stuff, I guess I have about 15 minutes to spare. Let’s head to the kitchen to grab some coffee.
Just my luck. The pot is empty. No big deal. I’ll make some fresh brew.
There should be a can of ground coffee here in the cupboard above the counter. Ah, bummer, it’s empty. I’ll go grab a new one from the supply cabinet down the hall.
It’s good to stretch a little, here we go, cabinet is, is, is here. Cabinet is, is, is locked.
No biggie. Jake has keys. His office is on the first floor. I’ll take the stairs it’s good exercise.
Down we go, 4, 3, 2, 1, here we are. Jake’s office, has a, a, a note: “I’m not in this week, if you need help see Janice at building 17”.
Building 17, it’s just across the street. I know where her office is. Let’s go there.
“Hi doorman!”
“To see Janice.”
“I need to sign in?”
“Ok, will do.”
“First Name: Will. Last Name: Scott. Department: Web Development. Reason of visit: Get keys to the supply cabinet. Host: Janice.”
“Can I go now?”
“Ok, I’ll wait.”
“Hi Janice!”
“No not long, maybe like 5 minutes.”
“You don’t have them?”
“But Jake said…”
“Ok thanks anyway.”
Back we walk, up the stairs, 1, 2, 3, 4. Now what do we do? What do we do? What do we do? Ah, Samantha will know. Let’s text her.
“Samantha, we are out of coffee…”
“Yes, I looked there but the can is empty.”
“The supply cabinet is locked.”
“Jake not in this week.”
“Janice doesn’t have the keys.”
“How do I know that? I just went to building 17 and talked to her.”
“Samantha, you are such a saver! I should have thought about it before. Heading up there right now.”
To the 7th floor. Marketing department, mini kitchen. I’ll take the elevator now. 4, 5, 6, 7 ping. Down the hall and we are here.
Wow. That’s a fancy machine. Much better than ours. Let’s see. Here? No. Here? Nope. Here? Click. Capsules. Wait. Where do I get one? Let’s try the cupboard.
No capsules. Hummm, Think, think. Cabinet down the hallway? It will be locked. Seen that. Let’s check the other cupboards. Napkins. Cookies. Should I? Naaa, diet. Pots? Who needs pots? Bags