A legible monospace font… the very typeface you’ve been trained to recognize since childhood. This font is a fork of Shannon Miwa’s Comic Shanns (version 1).
Differences from Comic Shanns
- All glyphs have been adjusted to have exactly the same width (using code based on monospacifier).
- The glyph metrics have been adjusted to make it display better alongside system font, based on Cousine’s metrics.
- The name is changed to
Comic Mono
. - A bold version of the font is generated using FontForge’s Embolden operation.
I have no font creation skills; I’m just a software developer. This font family is created by patching the original font, Comic Shanns (v1), using a Python script, generate.py
What does it look like?
#!/usr/bin/env python2
# -*- coding: utf-8 -*-
Generates the Comic Mono font files based on Comic Shanns font.
Required files:
- vendor/comic-shanns.otf
- vendor/Cousine-Regular.ttf
Based on:
- monospacifier: https://github.com/cpitclaudel/monospacifier/blob/master/monospacifier.py
- YosemiteAndElCapitanSystemFontPatcher: https://github.com/dtinth/YosemiteAndElCapitanSystemFontPatcher/blob/master/bin/patch
import os
import re
import sys
import fontforge
import psMat
import unicodedata
def height(font):
return float(font.capHeight)
def adjust_height(source, template, scale):
source.transform(psMat.scale(height(template) / height(source)))
for attr in ['ascent', 'descent',
'hhea_ascent', 'hhea_ascent_add',
'hhea_descent', 'hhea_descent_add',
'os2_winascent', 'os2_winascent_add',
'os2_windescent', 'os2_windescent_add',
'os2_typoascent', 'os2_typoascent_add',
'os2_typodescent', 'os2_typodescent_add',
setattr(source, attr, getattr(template, attr))
font = fontforge.open('vendor/comic-shanns.otf')
ref = fontforge.open('vendor/Cousine-Regular.ttf')
for g in font.glyphs():
uni = g.unicode
category = unicodedata.category(unichr(uni)) if 0 <= uni <= sys.maxunicode else None
if g.width > 0 and category not