Ligatures in programming fonts—a misguided trend I was hoping would collapse under its own illogic. But it persists. Let me save you some time—
Ligatures in programming fonts are a terrible idea.
And not because I’m a purist or a grump. (Some days, but not today.) Programming code has special semantic considerations. Ligatures in programming fonts are likely to either misrepresent the meaning of the code, or cause miscues among readers. So in the end, even if they’re cute, the risk of error isn’t worth it.
First, what are ligatures? Ligatures are special characters in a font that combine two (or more) troublesome characters into one. For instance, in serifed text faces, the lowercase f often collides with the lowercase i and l. To fix this, the fi and fl are often combined into a single shape (what pros would call a glyph).
In this type designer’s opinion, a good ligature doesn’t draw attention to itself: it simply resolves whatever collision would’ve happened. Ideally, you don’t even notice it’s there. Conversely, this is why I loathe the Th ligature that is the default in many Adobe fonts: it resolves nothing, and always draws attention to itself.
Ligatures in programming fonts follow a similar idea. But instead of fixing the odd troublesome combination, well-intentioned amateur ligaturists are adding dozens of new & strange ligatures. For instance, these come from Fira Code, a heavily ligatured spinoff of the open-source Fira Mono.
So what’s the problem with programming ligatures?
They contradict Unicode. Unicode is a standardized system—used by all modern fonts—that identifies each character uniquely. This way, software programs don’t have to worry that things like the Greek letter
(= uppercase Delta) might be stashed in some special place in the font. Instead, Unicode designates a unique name and number for each character, called a code point. If you have aΔ
in your font, you associate it with its designated Unicode code point, which is0x0394
. In addition to alphabetic characters, Unicode assigns code points to thousands of symbols (including emoji).The problem? Many of the programming ligatures shown above are easily confused with existing Unicode symbols. Suppose you’re looking at a code fragment that uses Unicode characters and see the symbol
. Are you looking at a!=
ligature that’s shap