NESFab is a new programming language for creating
NES games.
Designed with 8-bit limitations in mind, the language is more ergonomic to use than C, while also producing faster assembly code.
It’s easy to get started with, and has a useful set of libraries for making your first — or hundredth — NES game.
// This small program plays a sound effect. // Variables: vars /sound UU pitch = 1000 // Sends 'pitch' variable to the APU, emitting sound: fn play_sound() {$4015}(%100) {$4008}($FF) {$400A}(pitch.a) {$400B}(pitch.b & %111) mode main() {$2000}(%10000000) while true pitch *= 1.01 play_sound() nmi
NESFab generates better 6502 machine code than any high-level compiler te