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Keep track of your favorite movies in one place
This is a chrome extension that allows you to keep a list of movies you like, want to see and group them by your preferences directly in your browser.
- Add movies and shows to custom lists directly from a google search.
- Mark titles as favorites and keep track of movies you’ve already watched.
- Filter the lists that you are viewing.
- Drag & drop movies from one list to another to copy.
- Export / import data file and cloud backup ( see Google Drive Integration ).
- Download the release zip file and unpack it
- Go to
and enable Developer mode - Press Load unpacked and select the extension directory you extracted from the zip archive
Google Drive integration
By default the application only allows you to download and upload files locally. To enable backing up to the cloud ( Google Drive ) you need to create a new project at Google Cloud.
- Add the following to the manifest.json:
- From
pack the extension - Open the .pem file, copy the private key and paste it into “key” in manifest.json.
- Load the extension again in the browser and note the new given id.
- Go to Google Cloud, create a new project and enable the Google Drive API.
- Setup an OAuth Consent Screen. Add your account at Test users.
- Under APIs & Services create an OAuth Client ID. Choose Application type: Chrome App and enter the extension’s id in Application ID.
- Add to manifest.json:
"oauth2": {
"client_id": "",
- Copy the OAuth Client ID and paste it into “client_id”.
- Put the
file in your extensionscripts
folder and add