The Twitter CEO, Elon Musk, tweeted last week that a “crazy stalker” followed a car carrying one of his children in Los Angeles last Tuesday night, “thinking it was me”, and that the stalker blocked the car from moving and climbed on to its hood.
A new statement from local police provides the first official account of what happened during the incident. The South Pasadena police department has confirmed that an incident involving two vehicles was reported to the police on Tuesday night, but said that a member of Elon Musk’s security team is currently a suspect in the investigation, not a victim.
A 29-year-old man from Connecticut told the South Pasadena police on Tuesday that a driver in another vehicle had confronted him in a parking lot, accused him of following him on the 110 freeway, and then struck the man with his vehicle as he was leaving the parking lot.
Last Thursday, “South Pasadena Police learned the suspect involved in this case is believed to be a member of Elon Musk’s security team,” the department said in a statement.
A South Pasadena city spokesperson said the department is contacting Elon Musk’s team seeking to investigate both sides of the incident and get statements from everyone involved. Detectives are reviewing video footage of the incident, the police department said.
Last night, car carrying lil X in LA was followed by crazy stalker (thinking it was me), who later blocked car from moving & climbed onto hood.
Legal action is being taken against Sweeney & organizations who supported harm to my family.
— Elon Musk (@elonmusk) December 15, 2022n”,”url”:”″,”id”:”1603190155107794944″,”hasMedia”:false,”role”:”inline”,”isThirdPartyTracking”:false,”source”:”Twitter”,”elementId”:”dc0d2f92-3d7b-4581-8e70-3b0e7095ff86″}}”>
Last night, car carrying lil X in LA was followed by crazy stalker (thinking it was me), who later block